Time Traveling Twins-Part Two

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Will and Bill fell into a pile of snow.

After they recovered, they stood up, and looked at their surroundings. Nothing but a white landscape, and a wall of trees around them.

"What the hell!?" Bill yelled, through the icy air.

Will hugged himself desperately against the cold. "W-what happened?"

Bill thought back to the carnival, and recalled what Dipper said. "That guy was the time traveller! And that..." He pointed to the tape measurer in Will's hand. "Must've sent us here somehow."

Will stared at the tool. He saw a glowing symbol on it's side. "This is a time machine! Oh no, what did I do!?"

"Relax," Bill told him. "We can get back and..."

He paused, when he glanced to the side, and saw a familiar sight. The shack stood right beside them, except it looked cleaner on the outside than usual, and was coated in snow.

"How long have we gone back?" Will asked, nervously.

"I don't intend to find out," Bill decided, then took the time device from his brother. "Let's see how I can work this thing..."

However, before he could do anything, Will grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the side of the shack. Bill was about to protest, when he saw two figures appear out of the woods. They looked futuristic, with padded armour with green lines. On their uniforms, was the same symbol matching the one on the time device. Eventually, they disappeared back into the woods.

"Who were those guys?" Will questioned.

Bill narrowed his eyes. "I dunno, but I'm guessing they're looking for us. We should go."

He was about to move, when Will stopped him, and pointed overhead. Bill noticed there was a window above them, and voices were heard from it. The two listened, as one voice grew louder.

"Are you really okay with betraying your family like this?"

There was a chuckle from the second voice.

"Oh please, I barely consider them as family."

"I should thank you...you and Fidds are the only ones keeping my sanity in check."

"I worry about you, you know? Maybe, you should take a break from your studies."

"I can't do that, not when fate itself is against me. I will have to document my work, so that hopefully my family will see me again. Will you do the honours of hiding my journals?"

"Anything for you, my dear."

There was a sigh. "I told you not to call me that."

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