Jurrassic Buck-Part Three

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"Oh ho ho! It's off monster hunting we go!" Mabel sang.

"Shooting Star, it's been half an hour, give it a break already!" Bill snapped.

The group were walking through the forest. Wendy and the Pine twins used their tracking skills, and they eventually arrived at a spot, where an abandoned church stood. The group slowly entered, scanning the wrecked area, before they noticed the huge pit in the back of the room.

They approached it, and looked down wearily. Wendy turned her gaze to the edge, where a couple of dry scales and brown fur littered near her feet.

"It carried Gompers down there," Wendy insisted, gesturing to the hole. "I'm sure of it."

Dipper nodded, beckoned everyone closer to him. "I'll transport us down, so everyone stand close to me."

Everyone obliged, but Bill hesitated. Will rolled his eyes, and pulled his brother closer. The blond's eyes widened, when he was yanked forward, and his head ended up bumping against Dipper's chest. Bill flared bright red, and Will stifled a laugh.

Dipper closed his eyes, and then a light encased them. There was a soft humming sound, and when the brightness ceased, the group looked at their surroundings. They were trapped in what looked like a mine, with wild vegetation growing around, and geysers sprouting from the earth.

"Woah, this place looks so cool," Mabel awed.

Bill nodded in agreement, then he heard soft panting. He turned to the male brunette, who was catching his breath. "You okay, Pine Tree?"

"I'm fine," He insisted. "It's just...harder to use my magic these days."

With nothing else to say on the matter, Dipper looked down the tunnel, and pulled out his sword. It immediately emitted a glow, and he moved forward.

"Come on, we don't have time to waste," He said, to the group.

With that, they immediately followed him into the tunnel. It was pretty dark, with only Dipper's sword, and the flame Stan ignited in his palm to guide them. They abruptly stopped, when Dipper's light revealed a sharped tooth creature standing before them.

Everyone screamed in surprise, but then they discovered that the beast was trapped in some amber coloured substance.

"It's sap," Will breathed.

Dipper looked closely at the imprisoned creature, and his eyes lit up in recognition. "Guys, this is a T-rex. What is it doing here?"

"You should ask them the same question," Stan said, suddenly.

The group turned, and saw the Day Guardian had increased the brightness of his flame. It was then revealed, that they were surrounded by sap encased dinosaurs. They marvelled at the sight, both with amazement and fear.

"Wait, is this how they survived all these years?" Dipper breathed. He shined his light on one of the sap molds, which had a giant hole in it. "The monster that took Gompers was probably a dinosaur that escaped!"

"Holy Axolotl, forget the cornicorn , this will drive the tourists wild," Stan grinned. "I can bring them down here, and turn it into some kind of theme park. Jurassic...Sap Hole."

"Let's not celebrate, yet," Dipper told him, bluntly. "Who knows what's down here. We should keep moving."

Everyone agreed, and moved forward. They passed many trapped dinosaurs, each more intimidating than the rest.

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