The Inconvenience-Final

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With a yell, Dipper slammed the cooler shut.

There was a moment of silence, filled with their rapid breathing, before Dipper hesitantly opened it again and peered inside. Nothing. The monster from before was gone.

"What was that?" Bill breathed.

Before the brunette could reply, they were suddenly surrounded by the rest of the group.

"What happened?" Robbie asked. "We thought we heard a lady screaming or something."

Bill stifled a laugh, and Dipper shot him a look before turning to the people before him. "Well, you see--"

"Hey, look over there!" Bill suddenly said. "It's the game that tricks people into exercising, Dancy Pants Revolution!"

The teens looked at the game, and rushed towards it, cheering, leaving Dipper and Bill where they were.

Dipper turned sharply towards the boy. "What was that?"

Bill rubbed the bridge of his nose. "This night is important for Wendy, we can't ruin it."

"But, you saw--"

"Saw what? A floating brain in a cooler?" Bill shot back. "I've seen you take down bigger threats! We shouldn't exaggerate over something so insignificant."

Dipper took this in. He felt a little reluctant trusting Bill, but in a way, he agreed with the blond. It was just one monster they saw, it couldn't be that bad. With that, the two joined the rest of the group, the discarded ice packs on the floor forgotten.

When they arrived shortly, Thompson was sweating up a storm trying the dancing game, while his friends cheered him on.

"Wow, he's terrible at this," Wendy chuckled.

"Yeah," Dipper said, blushing at her.

Bill rolled his eyes at the male Guardian. However, as he did that, he caught sight of the glass door beside them. He stared, and quickly tugged on Dipper's arm. The brunette turned to him with a rather annoyed look, but then Bill pointed to the glass. Dipper turned, and nearly gasped when he saw everyone's reflections, but they were all skeletons. A second later, the reflections went back to normal.

"Bill, what--" Dipper paused, then he realized the boy wasn't next to him.


Bill ran through the aisles, until he came across his brother. However, Will was leaning against a stand, with Mabel knelt beside him.

"Will, I want you to focus," She said, holding up her fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

Will was barely looking looking at her, foaming at the mouth. "Eleven...teen."

"What did you do to him!?" Bill shouted, approaching them.

Mabel looked at him nervously. "It's okay, he'll be back to normal in no time...hopefully."

Bill growled under his breath, before kneeling beside his disoriented brother. He shook Will's shoulders rapidly. "Do you hear me? We need to leave!"

Meanwhile, Will could only see a distorted colours, and a hallucination that involved a giant golden retriever for some reason.


Will patted Bill's hair, thinking he was the dog. "You're such a good boy..."

Bill batted his hand away, and glared at Mabel. "Shooting Star, I want you to know, that I'm personally holding this against you."

"Understandable," She agreed.

Zero Falls: Season One Where stories live. Discover now