Welcome-Part Three

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Will's POV:

Sunlight filtered through his eyelids, irritating him before he opened his eyes. For a moment, he forgot where he was, and was surprised to see that he was sleeping on a bed in a unfamiliar room. Then like a strike of lightening, the memories of last night came flooding in, an unsettling nausea formed in his stomach.

Will slowly sat up, and stretched out his spine, wincing as he heard something pop. After that, he looked around at the room. It was mostly empty, except for the pair of beds, that the twins decided to sleep on. He turned to Bill, who was snoring loudly on the bed across from him. They were lucky to have found an unused bedroom upstairs, or they would've had an argument regarding who would sleep on the sofa. Will would've probably lost that battle, and ended up sleeping on the lumpy beanbag.

He yanked the moldy blanket off him, and swung his legs off the mattress. Will then stood up, and fixed his hair with his fingers. His eyes darted to the window, revealing a pleasant blue sky, before turning to the door at the end of the room. Beside the doorway, sat their backpacks. Quietly, he crept towards Bill's backpack, knelt down and rummaged through it. He eventually got his hands on their father's wallet, and peered inside it. There was enough money to buy them food, but it wouldn't last a week.

Will frowned, and returned the wallet to the backpack. They wouldn't survive a day out here without jobs, Will just hoped that there might be someone willing to hire two delinquent kids. He tossed his brother another look, then bit his lip.

Or, just me, Will decided. I could find a job, it's not like Bill likes working anyway.

Don't get him wrong, he knew Bill could be really productive when he wanted to be. However...the blond's rebellious and somewhat sociopathic demeanor, tended to scare off potential jobs. Will loved his brother, but there was no denying that Bill could be a dick sometimes.

With that, he pulled on his shoes and jacket, and picked up his backpack. He was ready to go out, giving Bill one last look. Will noticed the dark bags under boy's eyes, like he hadn't slept in decades.

Besides, you done more than enough, Will decided. It's my turn, now.

Then, he headed out.


Will never expected to find the town so fast.

A dirt road had stood nearby the shack, and once following it, it had led him right to the big sign that read Welcome to Zero Gravity Town. After that, finding the town's border was easy.

Will was now strolling across the pavement, passing buildings of many varieties, and people going along their daily lives. He paused at a crosswalk, waiting for the little walking man in the light to turn green. After a few minutes, he felt a little out of place, since he caught a few stares directed his way.

Is it my hair?, Will wondered, his fingers running through his blue locks subconsciously.

He didn't know why the sudden attention was drawn to him, did he just look unusual? Insecure, he began to regret not letting Bill come with him, his brother oozed the confidence he lacked.

Will shook his head. Stop it! You're not a little kid, who needs to hold Bill's hand 24/7. A few stares isn't going to kill you, you can do this!

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