Dreamscapers-Part Six

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Dipper, Mabel, and Stan were now being confronted by Kill, all three of them powerless. The Red Demon floated over them, hands lit with red fire.

"Prepare to eat nightmares!" Kill hissed, shooting a ball of fire.

"Nightmares?" Mabel repeated, before the fire hit her.

"Mabel!" Dipper cried, in distress.

However, the fire didn't burn her, but instead transformed her completely. Mabel's skin turned bright green, and she was now covered in warts.

"My cuteness!" She gasped, her voice was now low. "What have you done to my cuteness, you monster!"

Kill laughed maniacally, and turned towards Dipper. "You're next, Blue Pine. I can't wait to see what your greatest nightmare is."

Dipper stared, and then Stan came in. He stood in front of his niece and nephew protectively, and glared up at the Demon. "That's enough! If you want to get to them, you have to get through me first."

"That could be arranged," Kill smirked, then flung a ball of fire at the Guardian.

It looked like it was going to hit Stan, but then it landed in front of him. The old man stared at the flames, before they increased in size, and began to take shape. Once the fire vanished, it revealed a person in it's place. Stan uttered a gasp, when he faced his brother, Ford.

The Night Guardian stood before him, blood seething through his shirt, and his silver eyes were cold and emotionless.

"Ford?" Stan whispered.

"Stan, it's a trick!" Dipper told him.

Stan didn't seem to hear him, and continued to stare at the replica of his long lost brother. The copy of Ford stared the Day Guardian blankly.

"Stanley, why did you do it...?" Ford said, in a distorted voice, almost ghostly. "I thought I could trust you."

Stan's eyes widened, like knew exactly what the other was talking about, and the realization chilled him to the bone. "I'm sorry," He rasped. "Please...please forgive me, Ford."

Ford narrowed his eyes. "No. You don't have the right to call yourself my brother. You're nothing to me..." He rose his hand, and immediately, a blue orb of light appeared.

Stan, Mabel, and Dipper could only watch in horror, as the light grew in size, almost blinding them. Overheard, Kill was cackling loudly, insanity vivid in his eyes.

"What better way to finish you off, than to let your dear loving family member be the one to destroy you," The Red Demon smirked. "It's been nice knowing you, Pines."

The three Guardians clung to each other fearfully, as Ford aimed at them.


The shout made Ford pause. The replica turned around, only to be blasted by a beam of light. The copy of Ford immediately vanished in a puff of red smoke. A second later, Will and Wendy walked in, glaring up at Kill.

"Will! Wendy! You're okay!" Mabel beamed.

"Guys, I just learnt you can do anything in the mindscape as long as you imagine it!" Will said.

"What, who told you that!?" Kill roared. "Don't listen to him!"

"Anything, you say?" Dipper smiled. He held out his hands, and his sword appeared in his grasp. He used his weapon to free Mabel and Stan from the chains. "Quick! Imagine having your powers back!"

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