Dreamscapers-Part Five

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At this point, Will had no idea where he was.

He had been wandering down the hallway for who knew how long. Repeatedly, he been opening and closing every door in sight, hoping to find some kind of exit. Will was tired of everything at this point. Yes, he was being selfish by trying to ditch the others, but he couldn't help the overflow of hurt as he thought back on what Bill said about him. He felt so betrayed, and he didn't think he was willing to face Bill after what he learnt.

Being as upset as he was, imagine Will's complete displeasure, when he came across a certain memory. He glared the image of Wendy and Bill sitting on the porch.

"Oh, come on," He sighed, to himself.

"He's weak, he's incompetent, and he can barely stand on his two feet. I don't know what to do with him," Bill said.

Will furrowed his brow, and was about to shut the door, when...

"Yeah, that's what my dad use to say about me all the time."

Will blinked, and stared at the memory. For a moment, he thought he imagined what Bill said, but continued to listen intently, as Bill carried on.

"I was always a disappointment to him," Bill said. "He said I would never amount to anything...there were times where I believed him. And there were times where I tried to be his twisted image of what a perfect son should be, but I always ended up being a screwup in his eyes."

"Wow," Wendy breathed. "I...I don't know what to say."

Bill shrugged nonchalantly. "It's alright," He reassured, and continued his story. "Soon, I decided to give up on trying to suck up to dear old dad. I did whatever I could to piss him off, and when he would punish me, I wouldn't care. At this point, the pain didn't feel agonizing, it felt rewarding, because no matter how much he hit or insult me, he couldn't control me. I would only laugh it off."

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