Double Dipper-Final

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Bill was tossed into the darkness.

"Dang it, Pine Tree!" He shouted.

"I'm terribly sorry about this, Bill," Dipper replied, genuinely.

Quickly, Bill started moving his arms around in the pitch blackness. Abruptly, his hands found something hard and warm, and in his confusion, he curled his fingers around it.

Dipper gasped softly. "Bill..."

"What?" Bill snapped.

"That's my chest you're groping."

Instantly, the blond's face turned a deep red, and he withdrew his hands. "Sorry," He murmured.

Dipper cleared his throat. "It's alright."

Bill's heart started pacing a bit faster than it's normal speed. He had expected Dipper to be scrawny under his dumb uniform. But no, since the universe was obviously against Bill, the nerd was jacked. Curses!

"Bill, I think I can get us out of here," Dipper said, thankfully ignoring what just happened.

"Then, what are you waiting for?" Bill told him.

There was a sound of a sword being drawn, and then, a soft blue glow emitted from Dipper's weapon. Bill found himself transfixed by the blade, then he backed away, when the Guardian aimed his sword and threw it at the door. At first contact, the door split in half. Bill thought he'd be showered by splinters, but Dipper moved in to shield him last second. He could feel the warmth radiating from Dipper's close body, and immediately shoved the Guardian away from him.

"OK, let's go," Bill said, quickly.

Dipper nodded in agreement, then the two made a dash down the hall. Eventually, they paused, when they saw the group of clones. Fortunately, they didn't seemed to notice the two were there.

"I'm just saying, that since I've been here the longest, I should be the one to dance with Wendy," Tyrone said.

Number 10 rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Fair point, but how about I dance with Wendy, since I've been around the least?"

"That makes zero sense," One clone remarked.

"You make zero sense!" Number 10 shoved him.

"Watch it!" The clone shoved him back.

"Don't shove people!" Tyrone told them, sternly.

"NAYAYANAN!" Paper Jam Dipper screamed.

"Jeez, even his clones are hopeless," Bill muttered to himself. Then, made a sharp whistle, catching the attention of the clones.

"You!" Tyrone snapped.

"Tyrone, let's talk about this," Dipper insisted, slowly walking forward. "We're all evenly matched mentally and physically, if we end up fighting, it'll only go on forever."

The replicas paused, and murmured to each other thoughtfully. Once they were distracted, Dipper ran up and punched Tyrone in the face. After that, everyone stared in shocked silence.

"OK, now I'm impressed, Pine Tree," Bill grinned.

"CLONE FIGHT!" Number 5 declared.

Immediately, in a flurry of confusion, the clones started attacking each other, each one mistaking the other for the original. Bill tried to back away from the chaos, when one of the Dippers placed a hand on his shoulder. He panicked, and kicked the other in the shin.

"Ow! Bill, I'm not a clone!" Dipper snapped at him.

"Aha! There's Classic Dipper!" Tyrone yelled, pointing an accusing finger at him.

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