Carpet Diem-Part Two

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"Here's what we're gonna do," Stan started. "Whoever sucks up the most, gets the room."

Will frowned. "Mr Pines, we're not gonna suck-up to you."

"Yeah, we are," Bill said.

"Ten suck-up points for Bill!" Stan grinned.

"Uh--I mean, yeah we are!" Will laughed, nervously.

"Trying too hard. Minus 15 suck-up points," Stan said.

"What?" Will complained.

"Great decision, Fez," Bill smiled.

"Trying way too hard, plus 50 suck-up points!" Stan beamed.

Bill grinned, while Will's expression soured.

"Now, who wants to mow the front lawn?" Stan suggested. "Plus, it'll be in seething 105 degree heat, because I'm a jerk."

Will sighed.


For the rest of the day, the Cipher brothers did backbreaking chores. It was very exhausting, and near afternoon, they were finally allowed a break. Later, Will entered the room, and breathed heavily.

"All these chores will be worth it, once I get this room," Will reassured himself, flopping onto the sofa. "I mean, shag carpeting? Come on!"

He took off his shoes, and began shuffling his feet on the carpet. Will leaned against the sofa, but then sprang up when a voice was heard from the entrance.

"Don't get too comfortable, bro," Bill smirked, leaning against the door. "I just made Fez a sandwich shaped like his own face. This room is as good as mine. What do you say?" He held out his hand.

Will narrowed his eyes, then stood up and walked up to him. "I say that I'll win this room somehow, then we won't have to share anything ever again!"

He raised his hand and slapped Bill's hand away. At that moment, Will's eyes widened when seeing a current of blue electricity surging up his wrist, and a glow blinded them. They were dazed, but eventually recovered. Will blinked his eyes, then his heart almost leaped out of his chest, at what he saw.

Bill groaned, then squinted at him. "Will, why are you wearing my clothes, and my...face!?" He gasped, feeling his face. "Am I in your body!?"

"Am I in your body!?" Will cried

Both screamed, and ran around the room in panicked state. Bill threw up in the nearby bathroom, and Will was screaming at a mirror. This continued for a few minutes, before the two calmed down, looking at themselves in the mirror.

"Great, more of this town's weirdness," Bill grumbled, tugging at Will's sweater.

"You gotta stop using all those cheap hair products," Will complained, playing with Bill's golden locks. "I can practically feel your scalp shriveling."

"You're so scrawny and awkward," Bill cringed. "Seriously, you need to work out once in a while."

Will ignored him, as he caught sight of something on the floor. He spotted electricity surging across the carpet. Will bent down, and reached for it's tag, then turned it over.

"Experiment 78," He read. "Electron Carpet. Atoms swap electrons, so this carpet must build up a static charge powerful enough to swap minds! It was the static electricity, maybe we can use it to switch back!"

"That's a relief," Bill breathed. "Knowing me, I would definitely try to sabotage you."

"And if I were you, which I am," Will said, thoughtfully. "I'll sabotage myself, and all the points will go to Will!"

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