Fight Fighters-Final

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Will led Rumble McSkirmish to their destination, Circle Park. Rusty playground rides surrounded them, and Will was going through the plan again with the videogame character.

"You know what to do, right?" He questioned. "Just give Robbie a scare, and it'll all be over."

"Affirmative!" Rumble declared.

"Good," Will said, then he heard movement nearby. "I hear someone coming. Quick! Hide, it could be Robbie!"

Rumble obeyed, and hid behind a nearby tree. Meanwhile, Will turned, saw the Dark Cupid approach him just in time. He had to swallow his fear, as Robbie towered over him menacingly.

"Look who showed up," He sneered. "I was sure you would run away."

"Robbie, we don't have to do this," Will warned.

Robbie chuckled. "What? You said you would make it up to me, which is why..."

He rose his hand, and reached behind him, where his quiver was slung. Will was petrified with fear, and watched as Robbie searched the contents, before pulling something out. What he took out, was indeed surprising.

It was a flower pot, filled with fresh soil, and a little dark sapling protruding out. Will gaped.

"OK, listen closely," Robbie said, patting the flower pot. "You should water this at least once a week, don't put them in direct sunlight, and if you use store brand fertilizer instead of natural fertilizer, I swear to Axolotl--"

"Excuse me, but what!?" Will exclaimed.

"What, do you need written instructions?"

"No! I thought you invited me here to fight, not take care of your plant!"

"Firstly, this isn't just a plant, this is my whole life in a dirt filled pot, also they're name is Val. Secondly, what makes you think I wanted to fight a kid?"

"Because, you really looked like you wanted to kill me," Will pointed out.

"That's because I did," Robbie confirmed. "But, once I thought about it, you're pretty close to Wendy, and the last thing I want is to make her mad at me for sending her friend into a coma."

"Oh," The boy realized, instantly relieved. "Now, I feel silly."

"For what?"

Will chuckled. "Well, a while ago, I brought a videogame character to life, and he's actually right here--"

He was cut off, when a raging fireball narrowed past him. It hit Robbie square in the chest, sending him crashing into some nearby monkey bars. Will felt his heart drop, but was relieved to see that Robbie was okay, though his clothes were smoking, and amazingly, the sapling in his hands was still unscathed. The boy ran to the Cupid's aid, just when he heard heavy footsteps coming behind him.

"Aha! The enemy is neutralized!" Rumble shouted, triumphantly.

"What the heck!?" Will screamed at him. "You were supposed to scare him! Not kill him!"

"But, he killed your father!" The videogame character shot back. "I will not rest until the man who dishonoured you is DESTROYED!"

Rumble started moving forward, and Robbie quickly untangled himself from the bars.

"Here, take Val," He said, handing Will the plant.

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