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They finally reached the boat, stumbling across the shore, before finally climbing aboard. Dipper rushed to the steering wheel, and turned on the engine. It roared to life, and the boat sped across the water, before the Gobblewonker crawled out of the forest and dived in after them.

The boat swerved across the lake, and sprayed water over the deck. Meanwhile, the monster emerged from the lake, snapping it's jaws at them. Mabel pulled Will away from the railings, right before the Gobblewonker tore a chunk of it off. Bill stared at the beast, and quickly went to take a camera out of his backpack, when he noticed it was gone.

"What the--"

"Take this, foul beast!" Mabel yelled, tossing the cameras at the Gobblewonker, only to have them drop into the lake.

"MABEL!" Bill snapped.

The Guardian turned to him. "Don't worry, I left one for you." She threw the camera towards him, only to miss, and have it fell short and break.

"Goddammit!" He shouted, grabbing his backpack from her.

They dropped to the floor, when Dipper made a sharp turn. They were now near the shore, and he was trying to avoid hitting people in boats.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" He yelled, to passing civilians.

The Gobblewonker was still gaining on them, it's bulk surging through the water like a speeding bullet. It bucked it's head against the back of the boat, causing a jolt that caused everyone to drop again.

"Yeehaw! Isn't this a hoot?" Fiddleford cheered.

Bill growled. "Old man, this isn't the time to celebrate!" He then spun towards Dipper. "Pine Tree, get us out of here!"

"And how exactly is that possible?" Dipper shot back.

Then, Will stood up and hobbled towards the front of the boat. He looked over the steering wheel, and spotted a wall of water ahead.

"Go into that waterfall! There might be a cave behind there!"

"MIGHT BE!?" Mabel yelled, incredulously.

Dipper darted his eyes in a panic frenzy, before gritting his teeth. "I hope you're right!"

With that, he sped the boat forward. Their screams were muffled by the bloodcurdling roar behind them, then they crashed into the wall of water, and entered a cave. The boat lurched forward as it hit land, and the group was tossed over the railings. Bill groaned, feeling a throbbing pain in his ankle. There was a banshee shriek, and they turned, to see the Gobblewonker had trapped itself in the entrance.

"It's stuck," Dipper breathed, in relief.

Bill's face brightened in realization. "Wait, it's stuck!"

Quickly, he searched through his backpack, and thanked all the gods he knew, when still had one camera left. He laughed triumphantly, while snapping pictures of the beast, while it struggled rapidly.

"Did you get a good one?" Will asked.

"They're all good ones!" Bill exclaimed, happily.

The brothers cheered. Their celebration was cut short, when Mabel asked. "Now that's finished, where's Wendy?"

Dipper gasped. "Oh no, I almost forgot about her!"

"Fiddleford can tell us where she is," Will reassured, looking hopefully at the old man. "Right?"

Fiddleford scratched his beard calmly. "Whatever do you mean? She's right here."

Dipper narrowed his eyes. "This is serious! Can you please tell us where--"

Zero Falls: Season One Where stories live. Discover now