Headhunters-Part Four

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(A/N: I do not regret putting in the picture on top)

Bill's POV:

He waited in a lounge area in a police station, while his wrists were still handcuffed. Frankly, Bill expected far worse treatment, at least he wasn't behind bars. At least, not yet.

He grew tense, once Officer Blubs and Deputy Durland approached him.

"Looks like your brother is running late," Blubs taunted. "Which means, there's no one to take your side."

Bill narrowed his eyes. "No need to rub it in, old man."

"I'm not trying to be rude," He insisted. "Just remember, you got yourself in this mess, city boy."

Like any other day of his life, of course Bill was taking the blame for this one too. But, it was only reasonable, right? He was the troublemaker, the bad twin. That was what he was told by his parents, what Dipper and Mabel believed, and what he has always been. The chubby cop was right, no one will be willing to side with him now.

Officer Blubs looked at him smugly. "From now on, listen to the professionals--"

"Guys!" Another cop said, coming out from the back. "Steve is going fit an entire cantaloupe in his mouth! I repeat, an entire cantaloupe."

"It's a 23-16!" Durland announced.

"Let's move!" Blubs ordered, before shooting Bill a stern look. "And you, stay right here."

The two cops quickly left with eager looks, while Bill rolled his eyes at them. He was about to rest his head against the back of his seat, when a shadow was casted over him.

"Hey, dude."

"Wendy?" He gasped, starring at the redhead standing in front of him. "What are you--?"

"No time to explain," She told him. "Now, hold out your hands."

Bill was confused, but obliged. He immediately regretted it, when Wendy raised her axe and swung it down. He shut his eyes in fear, and heard a loud clank! He slowly opened them, and saw that the chain connecting the shackles around his wrists were cut in half, so he could move his hands freely.

Bill looked at his hands with a smile. "Thanks, Red."

"Don't celebrate yet," Wendy warned, a dire look in her green eyes. "Will is in trouble."

In an instant, Bill was on his feet. He looked at her frantically. "What do mean, he's in trouble? What happened now?"

From Wendy's expression, Bill must have looked like a wild man by now. "I could spend what little time we have left by explaining to you. Or, we can go now."

Bill nodded in understand, and followed the redhead to the exit. Behind him, he could hear a yell of protest from one of the cops, but he ignored it, and followed Wendy out.


Will's POV:

Dipper was the one to strike first.

He charged forward at Kill Cipher (formerly known as K.C). Will watched closely, as Dipper unsheathed his sword and swung it at the red haired man's neck. However, at the last second, his weapon was deflected by crossed twin knives that Kill seemed to have pulled out of thin air. Kill landed a kick into Dipper's lower stomach, which shoved the brunette backwards.

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