Time Traveling Twins-Part Three

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Will had no idea how he ended up like this.

First, he was looking for Bill in a familiar yet unfamiliar territory, then a guy that looked a lot like Dipper basically kidnapped him, and took him to a mansion that was a replica of Gideon's. Will was now strolling through the pristine hallway, with portraits hanging on the wall, walking beside Mason. At one point, he decided to cooperate, tired of being dragged around.

At first, he was confused over how Mason knew him in the first place, then realization dawned on him. The young man could only have mistaken Will for his past life. Did that mean, there was a clone of him still out there? And what relation did a Demon have with Mason? 

Will was guessing his past life was some kind of servant, noting the way Mason had a commanding undertone towards him, even when he was trying to be gentle. If so, how did a Demon who helped in destroying an entire realm, end up here of all places?

He decided the question wasn't important now. Will had to convince Mason to let him go, but how could he begin to explain? He should just put it out there, tell Mason the truth, in case the young man had darker intentions for his supposed servant.

However, before he could open his mouth, Mason led him to a door. He opened it, to reveal a large room that made the boy speechless. The space included blue wallpapered walls, a high ceiling with a chandelier, an outdoor balcony, and a huge oval bed. The floors were so polished, that Will was concerned that he might stain it with his shoes if he stepped inside. Mason didn't seemed to mind, as he nudged the boy forward, before closing bedroom door behind them.

"Get on the bed," Mason instructed.

Will thought about refusing, but didn't think he had a choice. Reluctantly, he stepped towards the bed. He gingerly sat on the edge, skimming his hand over the velvet duvet. Will felt a weight beside him, as Mason sat down across from him. He immediately froze, when the young man placed a hand gently on his forehead.

"What are you doing?" Will asked, sheepishly.

Mason withdrew his hand, worry etched his face. "You don't seem sick. I guess that's expected, since you're immortal."

Now was his chance. Will prepared to tell the truth, when he stopped midway. Mason was currently giving him an odd look. It was an intense gaze, an emotion Will didn't recognize was swirling in the man's blue irises. He would prefer that Mason didn't look at him like that, since his eyes reminded Will too much of Gideon's.

"What's wrong?" He asked Mason, curious.

Mason furrowed his brow, as though something was bothering him. "Can you please change forms? You'll make this awkward if you look like a kid."

Will blinked. Make it awkward? What was this man talking about--

His thoughts came to a complete stop, when a pair of hands cupped the sides of his face. Will's eyes widened, when Mason's thumb started caressing his cheek. What the...?

Mason was yet again giving him an intense look. "Nevermind. I can't hold back anymore."

Will's heart almost exploded, when Mason leaned in to kiss him. Fortunately, the Cipher ripped out of the young man's grasp, and drew back. However, this also caused him to fall on the floor.


Mason regarded him in shocked concern. "Will, are you okay--"

"Stay back!" Will screamed, blushing furiously. "I have pepper spray...OK, that was a lie, I don't have pepper spray. But if I did, I would definitely use it on you by now!"

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