Summerween-Part One

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"Are you two ready yet?"

It was the beginning of night, and the shack was decorated in a variety of Halloween decorations. Watermelons with smiley faces carved in them, and lit candles stuck in their centers, illuminated the front porch. Meanwhile inside, Wendy was waiting downstairs, while adding the finishing touches to a costume she wore. She was dressed as a manly lumberjack, and was tying up her hair, before putting on a fake mustache. Wendy admired herself in the mirror.

"Looking good," She smiled.

Wendy tossed another glance to the staircase. "Guys, the kids are not gonna trick or treat themselves."

"We're coming!" Bill called.

There was a sound of footfalls, as the Cipher twins came down the staircase. They were dressed as a stereotypical devil and angel. Will adjusted his fake halo, so it wouldn't fall into his face.

"I'd be lying if I said I did this before," He said, sheepishly. "Our parents were never keen on celebrating...any holiday."

"Well, you're in luck," Wendy said, excitingly. "Because the people in this town love Halloween so much, they celebrate it twice a year. Which is how Summerween was born."

"Works for me," Bill grinned. "Hopefully, we'll be able to hit as many houses as possible."

"Ain't we a little old to go trick or treating?" Will questioned.

The blond chuckled mischievously. "Yes, but we can never be too old to TP every house in sight," He said, then his expression soured. "Especially Gideon's."

"Bill, no," The blue haired boy chided. "I rather not have a raging telepath tearing you limb from limb."

"Ugh, fine," The blond remarked, then added sarcastically. "It's not like he's working with our greatest enemies, or anything."

Will and Wendy frowned.

The latest discovery of Gideon's partnership, made everyone a little shaky, especially since it wasn't only Kill they were facing. Dipper and Mabel had explained to the Cipher brothers, everything they knew about Jill. The female Demon was indeed intelligent, and her main power centered around her voice. Unlike Kill's power of invulnerability, Jill wasn't as flashy with her ability, so the Guardians were unsure how she used it. It was also known, that Jill was smarter than Kill, and usually came up with all the plans. With that, Bill and Will decided to trudge more carefully, now that they were aware of who they were dealing with.

The tension in the shack was thankfully cut short, when two more figures entered. Of course, it was Dipper and Mabel, and they weren't wearing costumes.

"Happy Summerween!" Mabel cheered, holding a bucket of candy.

"Glad you two could make it," Wendy greeted.

Dipper looked severely drained, with heavy bags under his eyes. He lazily scratched at a band-aid on his neck. "Yep, Mabel really wanted to give the twins some leftover candy."

"Wow, thanks Shooting Star," Bill said, and Will nodded in agreement.

The brothers reached out and each grabbed a treat. After tearing off the wrapping paper, they each took a bite. However, shortly after, they gagged in disgust.

"What the heck?" Bill snapped, reading the candy wrapper. "I never heard of this brand! Sand-Pop?"

"Mr Adequate Bar?" Will questioned, looking at his own wrapper.

"Did you seriously feed us cheap loser candy?" The blond snapped at Mabel.

"Oh? Is that Summerween discontent I hear?" She replied, ominously. "Maybe, it'll be enough to summon the infamous Summerween Trickster."

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