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(A/N: This chapter is very short, sorry)

Bill woke up with a start.

For a moment, he didn't realize he was laying on the cold floor, but eventually sat up. He noticed that he was in the kitchen, and that he was surrounded by his friends.

The group stared at him with worry and anticipation, and Bill suddenly felt like he had to say something.

"Uh, what's going on?"

He didn't expect this to have such a big reaction, as collectively as a group, everyone knelt down and embraced him tightly. Bill blinked in surprise, then snapped out of it, and squirmed out of their grasp.

"What is wrong with you guys?" He snapped.

Will was nearly in tears, and he smiled at his brother. "It worked! You're okay!" He lunged forward, and hugged the blond again.

Bill regarded him in annoyance. "Will, what are you--"

"I want you to know," Will started, burying his face in his brother's chest. "I will always need you, Bill. We can protect each other from now on, okay?"

Bill stared at him, before placing a hand gently over Will's shoulder. "Okay, okay, just let go of me already."

Will obliged, and released him. Afterwards, Bill turned towards the Guardians. "Mind explaining to me why you guys acting like this?" He asked, then rubbed his head. "Also, why was I dreaming about fire and disembodied kitten heads?"

"Long story short: Kill tried to invade your mind," Mabel explained, sheepishly. "And, we went in to stop him."

Bill's eyes widened. "Wait, you went inside my mind!?"

"Yeah, it's no biggie," Wendy dismissed.

"No biggie!? It's a violation of my privacy!" Bill protested.

"It was the only way to save you," Dipper chastised, then said in a soft voice. "Plus, we also managed to learn some things..."

Will nodded in agreement, and Bill glowered at them suspiciously.

"Don't make that face, Bill," Wendy chuckled. "C'mon, we'll explain everything soon. First, since we've just been through an emotional rollercoaster, how about we do something fun, like visit the diner?"

"Are you sure about that, Wendy?" Will questioned.

"Sure, it'll calm our nerves," She said, coolly.

Eventually, everyone agreed, and stood up from the floor. Together, they began to exit the kitchen. Will was the first one to step out, but then he stopped abruptly, when a hand came out from nowhere and grabbed him by the throat. He cried out, as he was hurled off his feet, and was trapped in a pair of strong arms.

"Kill!" Dipper gasped, the others stood behind him, expressions of shock on their face.

Will's eyes widened, and he turned. There, he saw Kill was the one who had grabbed him. The Demon was panting heavily, still bleeding from his stomach wound, that has yet to be healed. Will's nose crinkled at the metallic stench of blood.

Bill nearly lunged at the Demon, but Dipper held him back. "LET HIM GO!" The blond raged.

"This is your last option," Kill hissed. "Either you join your true siblings, Bill, or else I'm going to get rid of this blue haired brat for good!"

"Kill, you cannot win," Dipper told him, raising his sword. "You're weakened as it is."

"True, I feel like I could pass out," Kill rasped. Then, he grinned in Will's direction. "Not for long, that is..."

Then without warning, the Demon sank his fangs into Will's collarbone. Will shrieked in agony, as his joints creaked under the pressure of Kill's sharp teeth, and it felt like needles penetrating his flesh. Kill gulped down Will's blood like it was a beverage, humming in bliss. The result was immediate, as the Demon's wounds began to knit themselves together.

Bill stared in horror, before rage poured over his face. He grabbed Dipper's sword from out of his hand, and charged straightforward at Kill. The blond ended up stabbing the wall instead, as Kill disappeared from sight, bringing Will with him.

A cold silence hung in the air, as everyone processed the shocking scene that had unfolded before them. Just when things couldn't get any worse, a news report popped on TV. It showed the news reporter, sitting across from none other than Gideon Gleeful.

"In a shocking turn of events, town psychic, Gideon Gleeful has just revealed a vision about the famed Guardians."

"I was horrified by what I saw," Gideon said, his voice thick with sadness. "I have predicted that the Guardians will betray humankind and destroy everything. I didn't want to believe it, but for the safety of Zero Gravity Town, I think the most logical solution is to put each Guardian into custody, so they can be held for interrogation. Thank you."

"Sounds reasonable, enough," The news reporter agreed. "If the Guardians are truly on our side, they will step forward without any resistance. In the meantime, if this prediction is true, the Guardians would prove to be very powerful enemies."

"Yes, they are," Gideon said. Then, he turned to the camera, and for a moment, his eyes shined a solid gold. "But not as powerful as me..."

Zero Falls: Season One Where stories live. Discover now