Trust of a Peacock-Part Three

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The next day, Will was telling Wendy and Bill about his time at Gideon's manor.

"And then after we hung out at the arcade, we went to an indoor pool. You heard it correct, a pool indoors!"

"It seemed like you had fun," Wendy smiled.

"I did," Will said. "And Gideon was a blast, I can't believe I ever felt uneasy around him."

Nearby, Bill was sitting on the couch, furrowing his brow. He was silent throughout the whole conversation, and Will was starting to worry.

"Bill, are you alright?

Wendy looked sideways at the blond. "He's probably jealous of the fun you had."

"You can't make me admit it," Bill told her. "And actually, I'm thinking about something else..."

"Like what, exactly?" Will asked.

Bill looked him in the eye. "I think the munchkin is tricking you."

He stared, and didn't think he heard correctly. "What? Why would you--"

Bill interrupted. "For one thing: he hung out with you. Willingly."

"Hey! I'm fun to hang out with!" Will protested, even though he didn't believe his own words.

"Nah, Gideon is definitely lying to you," His brother countered, his eyes narrowing.

Will could practically feel the overprotective aura around Bill. Understandably, the blond was suspicious, since his brother had gotten himself into dangerous situations, both result of his trusting nature. But, Gideon was different, he just knew it. The white haired boy didn't have the same demeanor as Norman or Kill, for the first time, Will felt like he made a genuine friend...

"Don't worry about me," Will told his brother, gently. "I think it's fair to say, that I can handle myself by now. So, don't try to stop me from seeing Gideon this afternoon."

Bill's eyes widened. "You're meeting up with him again?"

He nodded in return. "Yeah, he invited me to his father's factory."

"Who makes plans at a freaking factory?" The blond snapped. "Will, this is obviously a trap!"

Will narrowed his eyes. "No, it's not. I'm only going out with a friend."

"That guy isn't your friend," Bill shot back. "For once, can you actually think things through, before you start holding hands with people who want to kill you?"

"OK, now you're being unreasonable," He pointed out, then turned to the redhead. "Wendy, back me up here!"

The Guardian glanced between the two, then sighed heavily. "Will, I'm sorry...but Bill kinda has a point."

"Ha!" The blond exclaimed, triumphantly.

Will frowned at the woman. "But, why?"

Wendy rubbed her arm sheepishly. "Kid, in this town, there are a few amount you can trust. And there's still very little we know about this Gideon guy."

"Which is exactly why I'm forbidding you from seeing him," Bill chimed in, sternly.

The blue haired spun sharply towards his brother. "Are you serious now, Bill?"

Bill's expression softened. "I know it seems crazy, but I'm trying to protect you--"

"No!" Will snapped. "You're suffocating me! Just like you always do!"

In a fleet of frustration, he stomped towards the exit. Will paused outside the shack, when Bill called his name.

"Will, don't do this," He said.

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