Gobblewonker-Part Four

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Dipper's POV:

Finally, Bill had the decency to shut up.

The blond was now fast asleep, resting his cheek on the back of Dipper's neck. Now that his expression wasn't contorted into a creepy smile, Bill looked peaceful, almost like a human being.

Dipper would've even found this display cute, if it weren't Bill, the same monster that destroyed his home.

The Guardian will never forget that day. Memories such as swirls of raging fire, cries of pain, and flashes of blood. So much blood.

Lastly, the image of Bill in the center of the once beautiful utopia, resorted to a burning hellscape, banishing Dipper's uncle, the Guardian of Night, to another dimension, while giving the brunette a wicked smile. That memory will forever be engraved in Dipper's mind.

It didn't matter what shape or form Bill took, Dipper will never forgive him for what he had done.

Which made his current situation all the more shameful. Why hadn't he just left Bill? The blond didn't deserve a shed of Dipper's sympathy. Regardless, he had to take Wendy into consideration. For some reason, the redhead trusted the Ciphers, and unless the male Guardian could think of a way to convince her otherwise, he had to protect Bill for her sake.

Then, there was also the discussion he had with his Grunkle Stan. That they must try to get Bill on their side, which Dipper found very doubtful. As far as his and the boy's dynamic went, Bill didn't trust him, or like him for that matter, and Dipper wasn't pleased by him either. The only thing they could agree on.

Ignoring Bill for now, Dipper paused, as he reached a fork in a path. He desperately longed to use his tracking powers, but the familiar rush of magic was vacant in his veins. He had a theory of what might had happened, he prayed he was wrong.

Suddenly, he felt a brush of hair against his neck, when Bill shifted. The boy opened his eyes, and adjusted them to their surroundings.

"What..what's going on?" He yawned.

Dipper darted his eyes towards him. "Looks like you're awake, too bad, I was getting use to the peace and quiet. Also, how's your ankle?"

"It hurts," Bill whined, resting his chin on the other's shoulder. "But, I think I can walk on my own."

"Are you sure?" Dipper asked, skeptically.

"Yes, Pine Tree. Jeez, I'm not that fragile."

"I only want to make sure, so you won't complain halfway through our journey, and ask me to carry you again."

"I didn't ask the first time," The blond noted, bitterly. "Now, would you put me..."

Dipper looked at him strangely, when the blond paused in his sentence. "What?"

"Uh, have you noticed you're sinking into the ground?"

The Guardian gaped, and looked down. To his horror, his feet disappeared in the earth, as it slowly consumed him.

"Ah! What is this!?" Dipper screamed, trying to free his feet.

"It's quicksand, you idiot!" Bill shouted.

"How do I get out!?"

Bill looked around rapidly. Then, his eyes caught on the branches overhead. "I think I can reach the branches."

"OK, but what about me?"

"Once I'm up, I'll help pull you out."

Dipper narrowed his eyes. "How do I know if I can trust you?"

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