Summerween-Part Two

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The Cipher twins wandered through the night, the streets were packed with kids and adults in costumes. Jack-o-melons littered the pavements, lighting their path. Eventually, they arrived at the place the Oak twins are planned to meet them.

"It's really weird that we're hanging out with literal copies of our friends," Will spoke. "You think they'll be like our Dipper and Mabel?"

Bill shrugged. "Well, the Dipper clone looked like he wanted to kill me on the spot, so probably."

"And the twin that looked like Mabel wasn't any different from our one," The blue haired boy noted. "At least, she's not like Mabel Gleeful, that woman was scary."

"Speaking of Gleeful, are you gonna fall in love with this version of Dipper too?" Bill asked him, suspiciously.

Will turned bright red. "No! And what about you, huh? Are you planning to flirt with Dipper's mortal counterpart?"

"If it'll piss him off, maybe," Bill answered, truthfully.

"You're unbelievable sometimes," Will sighed.

Bill was about to respond, when he was interrupted by a distant yell. "Hey! There you are!"

The two turned, and running towards them, were non other than Dipper and Mabel Oak. Last time, Bill hadn't been examining them properly, to see they had some defining features. Other Mabel had her brown hair tied into a ponytail, and a pink sweater wrapped around her waist. As for her brother, Other Dipper looked more scrappy than the uniformed Guardian. He had a band-aid on his left cheek, messy brown hair, and a bright red jacket.

"Weird, I thought you two would ditch us," Dipper remarked, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Couldn't if I wanted to, Red Pine," Bill grinned.

The boy looked at him strangely. "Nicknames, already? And why Red Pine of all things?"

"Would you rather prefer Shortcake?"

"What did you say, you human waste basket?" Dipper growled.

"Dipper! I'm actually hoping to make friends this summer," Mabel chastised, and her brother grumbled under his breath.

Mabel then smiled in the direction of the Cipher twins "So, I was thinking we can go around the neighborhood, and get to know each other better?"

"Sounds great," Will said. "And I apologize for any remarks my brother might use now or in the near future."

"And I'm fully prepared to pay you in case Dipper sends your brother to the hospital," Mabel said.

"If he can even beat me," Bill scoffed.

"You are aware I'm holding a shovel, right?" The male brunette deadpanned.

Mabel tossed them both a stern look. "If you two are done threatening each other, we should be off by now."

Will nodded, following the girl, while Bill and Dipper walked along in the back. After a while, Will and Mabel started chatting in front, while the other two boys stayed quiet. Then, Bill turned to look at the brunette beside him, that was when he noticed something.

In the center of the boy's forehead, almost hidden away by his brown hair, was a peculiar shaped birthmark. Amazingly, it looked like the star constellation, the Big Dipper. Bill couldn't stop himself from staring, but before he could, Dipper turned to him.

"I see, that you noticed the birthmark," He said, calmly.

"Yeah," Bill said, awkwardly. "Sorry to stare."

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