The Inconvenience-Part One

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For the past few days, an unusual pattern kept repeating itself. Particularly, with Wendy.

The Cipher twins slowly grew to notice that their redheaded friend has been vanishing into the woods for hours, before returning to the shack in the dead of night. As her friends, they were understandably concerned by this. And as this routine of hers continued, their worry grew to great lengths.

"You think something's wrong in the forest?" Will questioned one morning, to his brother.

Bill shrugged, his arms resting on the kitchen table. "Hell if I know, Wendy has always been a mystery."

"You think we should ask her?"

"Even if we did, what help would we be to her?" He remarked. "I'm not much of a nature guy."

Will nodded in agreement. "True, remember when you punched that squirrel in the face?"

"He stole my lunch bar, and he had it coming!" Bill snapped.

Before the conversation could move on, the window to the kitchen suddenly flung open. The frame was filled with red hair, as Wendy struggled to crawl in. A second later, she toppled to the floor.

"Ow," She said, before standing up and leaning against the table.

"Hey, Wendy," Will greeted.

Wendy blinked at him, dark rings surrounded her eyes. "Oh, hey Will, didn't see you there..."

"What's up with you, Red?" Bill demanded.

"What do you mean?"

"For one thing, I've seen you climb through windows with much more grace," He noted.

Wendy shrugged him off, taking a sit by the table. "I was up late and had little time to sleep, no big deal."

Will eyed her with concern. "You been like this for some time now. Is there something wrong?"

She frowned. "No, what made you think that?"

The blue haired boy pulled out a chair, and sat beside her. "Since you're the Spirit of the Forest, we thought that something might've happened to burn you out like this."

Wendy's frown deepened, and she bit the nail of her thumb nervously. Eventually, she said with a sigh. "The forest is fine. The truth is...I've been hanging out with some friends."

Bill regarded her with skepticism. "I thought the only friends you have here are us, and those Pine twins."

Wendy bumped his shoulder softly. "Believe it or not, I'm pretty popular around the woods," She said, cheekily.

"So, who are these friends of yours?" Will asked.

She explained. "They live in the mortal realm, and they always been there for me ever since I earned my role as a Guardian."

"Why haven't we met these randos?" Bill remarked.

Wendy sighed. "Unfortunately, I barely have the time to hang out with them, since I'm always busy. Which is why, I started meeting up with them at night, since at least then, I get a break from being the Spirit."

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Will pointed out. "You're our friend, we don't mind you having fun once in a while."

The redhead smiled warmly. "That's a relief, because the gang and I are actually suppose to meet up tonight and..." She paused, and then a spark ignited in her eyes. "I have an idea! You two should join us!"

Both twins stared in surprise. Will looked at her with uncertainty. "Are you sure?"

"Heck yeah," Wendy beamed. "You'll finally get the chance to meet them, and hey, maybe you'll like each other."

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