Trust of a Peacock-Part Two

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"What's up with Will?" Wendy asked.

Bill looked at her from the couch. "Why are you asking?"

"Well, he's been hiding in his sweater and rocking himself in the corner for the past 10 minutes."

The blond sighed. "He got some fake prediction from some psychic, and now he's overreacting."

"I'm not!" Will protested, his voice muffled from the coverage of his sweater. "And you seen Gideon's face when he looked at the card!"

"He was putting on a show!" Bill snapped. "The little snot probably grabbed that card by mistake, and decided to play along."

"What cards? What are you two talking about?" Wendy pressed, looking confused.

Will finally pulled his head from out of his sweater, so he could turn to Wendy. "This morning, we met this kid psychic, and he says there's a possibility that I might die."

"Oof, dying sucks," She agreed. "Also, did this psychic happened to be named Gideon by any chance?"

"You know him?" Will asked, incredulously.

Wendy shrugged. "Barely. He's the richest mortal in Zero Gravity Town, but also happens to be very generous. There has been rumors that he might be a lost Prophet, but most assume that he's just faking his powers for fame."

Bill gestured towards the redhead, while looking at his brother. "See? Nothing to worry about."

Will relaxed a bit, but there was a nervous edge in his side. He couldn't forget the terrified expression on Gideon's face, and it brought along a wave of doubt and fear. The death card wasn't even his only concern, the other predictions also didn't hold much light. The first possibility, he will be betrayed by a friend. The second one, he'll lose trust in the ones he loved. The last one being...

His thought process was fortunately put to a halt, when there was a knock on the front door. "I'll get it!" Will said quickly, and stood up from the corner.

He moved towards the door and opened it. There, on the front poach, was the last person he expected to see: Gideon Gleeful in the flesh, with the same regal clothing he had on this morning. Will felt conflicting emotions when facing the young psychic. One part of him was nervous and a little frightened, while the other part was glad to see those blue eyes again for some apparent reason.

"Gideon?" He said, confusion fogged his mind. "Why are you here? And how did you find my address?"

The shorter boy shuffled his feet shyly. "I couldn't get you out of my mind. I wanted to apologize for what happened on stage, it was not very swell of me..."

Will waved his hand dismissively. "It's alright, there's no way you could've known things would go that south."

"Still, I feel like I have to make it up to you," Gideon decided. "How about I pay you back the money you spent--"

"No, you can keep that," He insisted. "Really, it's fine, you don't have to do anything for me."

Gideon frowned, and then said without hesitation. "Would you like to come over to my house?"

Will stared. "Your house?"

The boy nodded eagerly. "Yes, it's only a quick visit, you won't regret it."

Will was silent, not knowing how to reply to Gideon's offer. What would one say in this situation? Granted, the peacock boy was still a stranger, and had recently told him he was destined to die, so the right thing to do would be decline the invitation. Yet, when Will eyed Gideon's innocent face, it was almost impossible to say no.

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