Carpet Diem-Final

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"Mabel, I really have somewhere to be," Bill insisted.

Mabel was sitting across from him, not seeming to take a hint. "C'mon, let's talk about the newest romance novels. I'm interested in one series in particular, Wolfman Bare Chest." She held up the book.

Bill tried to shuffle away. "I'm just gonna--"

Mabel wrapped an arm around him. "No way out of it!" She smiled, then opened the book. "Chapter One: my name is Gerald, I'm a werewolf, the creature of the night. But I'm also the creature of passion."

Bill internally groaned, wanting the earth to swallow him whole. If he managed to survive this, he was definitely going to murder Will.

Suddenly, an idea dawned on him. "Hey, you know, I think we should include Bill on this," He suggested.

Mabel's face brightened. "You're right, I'll go get him!" Then, she hopped off the bed they were sitting on, and rushed out.

Bill breathed in relief, before standing up as well. He approached the staircase, making sure Mabel wasn't close by, before making a dash into the living room. He still had time to win this. And as though luck struck him, he found Stan Pines sitting at a table.

Bill walked closer to him, the old man was currently polishing the glasses he found. Once the blond neared, he noticed the gloomy look on Stan's face.

"Hey, old fart," Bill said, catching the Guardian's attention.

"Hey there, Will," Stan chuckled. "Just in time, I wanted to talk to you about something. Sit down, please."

Bill hesitated, confused by this. Was Stan going to give Will the key after all? In that case, Bill would have to try harder to sabotage him. So, determinedly, he sat next to Stan.

Stan looked at him for a while, then directed his gaze to the spectacles in his hands. "Seeing you and your brother fight, it kinda reminded me of my relationship with Ford," He said, sadly. "Ruling a realm side by side, can lead to arguments between us on what was good for our land."

Bill regarded him in confusion. What did this have to do with the key?

"Mostly, being the intelligent brother, Ford would run down the decisions," Stan continued. "But, there was one circumstance, where I chose to let in a group of outsiders. The Ciphers."

Bill stared at him, feeling his throat grow dry as he asked the question. "Did you ever...regret your decision?"

Stan heaved a sigh. "No."

"Why?" Bill asked, genuinely confused. "Didn't... Bill destroy your home? Why aren't you mad?"

"Bill may have destroyed our home," Stan started. "But, he was also our friend and felt like a part of our family. In the past, I would never suspected Bill would turn on us. Granted, he wasn't exactly always happy there. Ford was...the least accepting of Demons living in our realm, and that usually got under Bill's skin most of the time."

As far as Bill learnt, Will was his only family. So, it was almost impossible to believe that he had such a strong bond with other people in the past. Dipper mentioned he used to be close friends with the Pines, but he never thought he'd be that close to be considered family by others. The thought made him warm, and sad at the same time.

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