Boyz Crazy-Part One

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Beware Of Brother...

Those words repeated themselves in Bill's head over and over, as he laid on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He had hid the mysterious paper underneath his mattress, and was pondering whether to let Will know of it's existence. He supposed he had to tell Will soon enough, he just needed time to process it first.

Beware Of Brother...

Those words made no sense. Which brother?

Could it be Kill? Bill already knew to be weary of him, this warning would only state the obvious. Perhaps, it was addressing his eldest brother? What was his name? Tim?...Ted?...Tad!

Bill's brow furrowed. He recalled that Dipper mentioned Tad was a force to be reckon with, the blond hated to have another powerful enemy. Also, why would this Tad person appear after what Bill assumed to be centuries of him missing in action?

For now, Tad was the only logical option. If not, that only left Will...

That can't be right, Bill thought.

Will was the pinnacle of innocence. Even if (a very big if) the younger twin intended to hurt Bill, it would be impossible, since Will would be easy to stop.

Though, Bill began to notice that his brother was growing stronger as this summer went on. Will managed to survive many obstacles, and he was almost unrecognizable to Bill when it came to facing danger. Bill supposed, that if Will was planning to hurt him, maybe stopping him wouldn't be as easy as he thought--

What was he thinking!?

Will was his brother. The two were glued to the hip since their birth. The blue haired boy would never hurt him!

Bill heaved a sigh, growing a headache. This also left the mystery of who wrote this message, as while drawing the detailed blueprint. Could it be the Pine twins? Or maybe Stan? Did either of them wanted Bill to follow these blueprints? If so, why would they do it anonymously? And what was this contraption they wanted him to build?

Seriously, do I look like an engineer?, Bill thought, bitterly.

"Hey, Bill?"

His mangled thoughts were put to a halt, and he turned towards Will, who had just finished getting dressed, along with a name tag pinned on his sweater.

"Stan might dock your pay, if you're late for work again," Will pointed out.

Bill rolled his eyes. "You say that, like he pays us."

Will chuckled in return. "Yeah, I suppose so," He admitted. Slowly, his face morphed into worry. "You've been looking at the ceiling for a while something on your mind?"

Should he tell him now?

Bill decided not to. Mostly, because he didn't have the sanity or the nerve to show Will the paper. He'll make sure to do it later, though.

"Nothing in particular," Bill answered, trying to sound casual.

Will smiled, but his eyes were still clogged with worry. "Remember, if there's something on your mind, you can always tell me."

The way his face held genuine concern and care, convinced Bill that Will was definitely not the brother the paper was referring to. So, like before, Tad was the only one to fit the role...wherever the hell he was.

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