Jurrassic Buck-Part One

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In middle of the night, the air was crisp and warm from a summer's day. In a clearing, a group of creatures were resting. There was a bird with purple feathers, perched on a branch, and snoozing silently. There was a buck laying on the lush grass, with a blond wolf curled up beside him. Finally, there was a large bear, who was resting against a tree. However, there was a force threatening the peaceful environment, as a huge shadow swept past, rustling the trees.

The bear's eyes shot open, and he looked up fearfully, before changing shape.

Thompson approached his friends, and spoke in an urgent voice. "Guys! Something just flew past!"

His friends woke up with a jolt. They then transformed, and groaned in annoyance.

"Thompson, what the heck?" Nate complained, sitting up, while Lee still laid beside him.

"Yeah, it's like the middle of the night," Tambry agreed, after easily jumping off from the branch.

"I'm telling you, I heard something," Thompson said, fearfully. "Maybe, it's a monster? we should tell Wendy." 

Nate rubbed the bridge of his nose, seeming to have enough. "Thompson! We are not going to disturb Wendy, because you think there's a monster. It's probably nothing--"

An inhuman shriek pierced the air, and the same shadow from before flew overhead. The group stared up at the monstrous shape blocking the moon, before it disappeared.

There was pause, then Thompson asked. "So, we're telling Wendy?"

"Yep," His friends agreed, simultaneously.


Will was worried.

Specifically, he was worried about Bill. The blond had been acting strange lately.

For one thing, Bill was acting fidgety, even by Will's levels. When the blue haired boy attempted to get close to his brother, Bill would flinch away like Will was on fire. It was also noted, that Bill had dark rings around his eyes from a lack of sleep. What Will found most concerning, was that Bill was more quiet than usual. The blue haired boy was stumped about how he could help his brother, so one morning, he met up with Dipper and Mabel when they joined him in the kitchen.

"Jeez, I wonder what got Bill so worked up," Mabel wondered, after Will explained his dilemma.

Dipper's eyes lit up with concern, then he asked. "Has anything happened lately, that might've caused him to act like this?"

Will hesitated. Bill has yet to tell the Pine twins about the paper, and Will wasn't sure whether he should tell them or not. Recalling the paper, Will was then reminded of Bill admitting that he had been suspicious of him. Was Bill still cautious of him, was that why he was acting so weird? But, didn't the blond confirm that he knew Will would never hurt him, why would he change his mind now?


Will blinked, then quickly said. "No...not any that I can think of."

Dipper looked at him thoughtfully, but thankfully didn't ask anymore questions. Still, his brow creased with worry.

The blue haired boy knew he had to tell the Guardians sooner or later, this was pretty important information. Would Bill be angry at him, if he decided to tell them? No matter how Will looked at it, the letter was given to Bill, and it was his secret to tell. But, what if the blond decided to keep his mouth shut? Will would just have to be patient with his brother, and if Bill continued to avoid telling their friends the truth, Will would have to do it for him.

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