Headhunters-Part One

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Day passed over Zero Gravity Town, and the twins were now strolling on a pavement. It had been weeks since the Gobblewonker incident, and Bill's ankle finally healed. As of currently now, they had a specific destination in mind, and only one of the brothers were invested.

Bill kicked a stone his path, his mood seemed to drop as the seconds went by. "Why do we have to do this again?"

Will crossed his arms, unamused by his brother. "Because the Mayor gave us a free invitation."

"The Mayor also wears a pair of goggles for no reason."

"True," He admitted. "But, lighten up. This will be the first time we get to visit a museum. Plus, it's free, and we'll get to know more about this town."

The blond tossed an uninterested glance at the other. "We already know everything we need in the journal."

"But didn't you mention it was unfinished?" Will reminded. "There could've been more that the author wanted to write down, so we don't really know the full history."

Bill glowered at him. "Why are you so insisted about this?"

The blue haired boy looked sideways. "Sometimes I feel like...you and Wendy are hiding things from me."

The blond paused in his tracks, and so did Will. Bill looked at his brother in confusion. "What made you think that?"

Will put his hands behind his back, and shuffled his feet. "I dunno, sometimes I catch you two talking behind my back, and you refuse to tell me what your conversations were about. It feels like you guys know something that I don't, and I find that frustrating."

Bill's lips curved into a frown. He was silent for a moment, before saying. "Will, you're imagining things. I am as clueless as you are about this town."

Will gave him a skeptical look. "Are you sure? Because--"

"I'm telling the truth," He insisted. "And hey, if you really want to go to some nerdy museum, then fine."

The younger twin smiled. "That's great to hear! Also, it's not nerdy, it's informative."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, Will."

Together, the twins walked through town in hopes of reaching their destination.

Will's POV:

Much later, the two had finally arrived at Zero Gravity Town's museum. Will awed at the plotless white interior of the building, and the perfectly placed artifacts on display. The brothers were currently in a tour group, with a pimply teenage guide in the lead. The group was now passing a pedestal, that displayed a large dreamcatcher.

"And here, we have the Night Guardian's Dreamcatcher," The employee explained, while gesturing to the object. "It's a great weapon to fend off Demons."

The group chattered excitingly, while snapping pictures. Meanwhile, Bill sighed heavily, and Will nudged him in annoyance.

"Can you at least pretend to be interested?" He remarked.

In response, Bill stuck his tongue out at him lazily. Will knitted his brow, irritation growing in him. Despite his brother's disinterest, the blue haired boy planned to make the most of their tour, already soaking in what information was given to him like a sponge.

They soon reached another exhibit, that was suspiciously closed off by a curtain. Will was peaked with interest, while Bill looked like he couldn't care less. The employee beckoned them towards the curtain, and he grabbed the ahold of it.

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