Welcome-Part Six

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Much later, the twins were thankfully relocated from the cage. Unfortunately, they had unbreakable vines binding their wrists and ankles together, making it impossible for them to escape.

They were in one part of the cave, where Will was getting his appearance done for his 'wedding', by a single gnome.

"I think that's enough flower necklaces," He insisted.

"Shembuloc," The gnome replied, adding another flower necklace.

"You don't understand a word I'm saying, do you?"


Will groaned, then turned to his brother. "OK, back to what we just discussed, you're telling me that the Guardians are good?"

Bill paused at his current activity, which was attempting to chew through the vines. "Well, most of them. There's two in particular, that grind on my nerves."

"And you only decided to tell me this now?" Will remarked.

"Hey! I didn't tell you, to protect you," Bill shot back.

"Really? So, you thought I couldn't handle it."

"No offense, but you're not the best at coping," The blond replied.

"I handled well enough," Will said, defensively.

Bill cocked his head. "Is that so? Shembuloc, can you tell me how responsible Will is, despite himself getting kidnapped?"


He nodded. "Yep, that's what I thought."

Will frowned, turning away from his brother. "Fine, we'll discuss this later. What I'm really concerned about now, is this backup you're referring to."

"I'm pretty sure Wendy can find anything," Bill explained. "Let's just hope, those twins don't follow her."

"What do these twins even want with you?"

Bill hesitated. How would he even explain this to Will? That he was once an supernatural being, that died and came back as a teenager. His brother had heard him spout random fibs before, so it's doubtful Will would believe him.

"Bill?" His brother questioned.

"Let's just say, they mistook me for someone else," Bill sighed, and then added. "Also, they went crazy over some book I found."

"Book, you say?" Will responded. "As it so happens, I heard the gnomes mentioning a book when they carried you in, maybe it was the same one you found?"

Bill didn't know why, but he felt a rush of relief hearing that. "Will, this is important, do you have any idea where they put it?"

Will shook his head. "No. But, why is it so important?"

"Parentally, that book is magic," He explained. "It's bound to me or something, and it has every single info on the creatures in this godforsaken town."

"That would certainly be convenient," Will agreed. "But, do we want to risk angering powerful Guardians, by taking their property?"

"We don't know if it belongs to them," Bill insisted. "Also, they should be thankful that I'm keeping it safe."

The blue haired boy was about to reply, then yelped when Shembuloc pinned a rose into his hair, and the thorns must've dug into Will's scalp.

"Easy with the rose, it has thorns," He told the creature.

"Shembuloc," The gnome replied, apologetically.

Will turned to Bill seriously. "Forget the book for now, I don't know about you, but I will NOT be a broken housewife!"

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