Fight Fighters-Part Two

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Will was back in the shack, confronting Dipper and Bill, who were in an agitated state after he told them what had happened.

"I didn't mean to."

"Still, you broke Robbie's arrows," Dipper said, in shock.

"Only some of them," He protested. "Now, he wants me to meet him alone later."

"You're not thinking about going, are you?" Bill told him, seriously.

"What choice do I have?" Will countered, hopelessly. "Robbie will just come find me if I don't show up."

"Then, let us take care of him," Dipper insisted, and Bill nodded in agreement.

Will shook his head. "No. Once I meet up with him, I'm going to try to convince him not to fight."

Bill rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like talking worked so well the first time," He said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I don't know what else to do," Will argued.

Mabel then chimed in, putting a comforting hand on Will's shoulder. "You still have time before you meet Robbie, how about you take a break? It's unhealthy to stress about this all day."

Will sighed. "I guess, you're right," He decided, then turned towards the front door. "I'm heading into town to clear my head."

Then, he left the three in the shack, closing the door behind him. After that, Bill groaned, rubbing his brow with his index finger and thumb.

"Seriously, what went through his head?" He muttered.

"I think it's brave of your brother to face Robbie without help," Mabel said.

"Sometimes I wish Will went back to being a scaredy cat," Bill admitted. "At least then, he would stay out of trouble and not endanger himself 24/7."

"Isn't Will still afraid of a lot of things?" Dipper asked.

The blond nodded, feeling he might as while have fun exposing his brother while he was not around. "Oh yeah, for example: the government, spiders, clowns, a dark closet that is slightly cracked open, tight spaces, marionette puppets, silent black and white movies--"

"Wait, I just thought of a question," Mabel interrupted, then looked at the blond thoughtfully. "What's your biggest fear, Bill?"

Both Dipper and Bill paused. Bill cleared his throat, then said. "Nothing, I'm not afraid of everything."

"C'mon, everyone's afraid of something," She countered. "Also, why do you two look suspicious?"

"We're not..." Dipper murmured, nervously.

Mabel narrowed her eyes, and stepped closer to her brother. Her nose was inches away from his cheek, and she was glaring at him.

"Tell me the truth, Dipping Sauce," She whispered, prodding his face as she said. "Speak. The. Truth. Brother."

Dipper held his breath for a moment, then gasped. "Bill has a fear of heights!"

"Pine Tree!" Bill snapped.

"I'm sorry, Bill," He said, genuinely. "But, I'm weak against Mabel's interrogation skills."

"All she did was poke your face!"

"Exactly, I hate when she does that!"

Mabel's loud gasp interrupted their bickering. They turned to see her with wide eyes. "This is so unexpected! Bill, we have to cure your fear--"

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