Gobblewonker-Part Three

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Bill's POV:

For a moment, there was only pitch blackness, before he opened his eyes. Bill groaned softly, his bones felt like stone, and he found it hard to move. Eventually, he had the strength to rise slowly, despite the difficulties. He sat up, on the same moment, when a voice spoke beside him.

"You're finally awake."

Bill nearly jumped, and spun around. He was now facing Dipper. The Guardian was leaning against a tree, his expression more stoic than usual. What was going on? Where were the others? More importantly, where was Will?

The blond then noticed his clothes were soaking, and memories came in confusing and terrifying flashes. The waterfall, the beast, and the fall to their certain death...but somehow, they survived. At least, Bill and Dipper had, he didn't know about the others.

"Pine Tree, where are we?" Bill demanded.

Dipper exhaled softly, now looking grave. "I don't know."

"Are the others alive?"

"I don't know."

Bill gritted his teeth. "Can I have a valid answer?"

The brunette scoffed, and left his place by the tree. Bill felt a shrill of panic, when Dipper approached him. Except, the young man walked past him, and stared out into the fog covered waters.

"When we washed up, I tried tracking them with my magic," He said.

Bill felt a tinge of relief. "OK, now where are they?"

Dipper turned back to him, a darkened look across his face. "Here's the thing: my magic had no affect."

The blond stared. "What?"

"Your reaction was the same as mine," Dipper said. "I don't know what it is, but something is interfering with my powers, and I can barely teleport let alone conjure a tracking spell."

"You think the same is happening to Red and Shooting Star?"

"I hope not," He replied, a look of worry upon his face.

Bill began to worry as well, until he recalled something. He quickly dug into his now soaked backpack. He ignored the wave of frustration, upon seeing half of his cameras busted, lucky to have bought a few waterproofed ones. After a bit more rummaging, he finally found what he was looking for.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, pulling out the Viking horn.

Dipper gaped at it. "Wendy's horn!"

Bill smirked. "Yep. Hopefully, this will help."

He prepared to blow into it, when Dipper stopped him. "Wait, what if the sound attracts the monster? I'm defenseless without my powers."

The blond hated to agree with the Guardian, but he had to consider the dangers. Bill looked at the lake before him, and an unease resurfaced in his gut. He will never forget the beast's devious eyes, as it glared into his soul.

With that, he tucked the object back into his backpack. "We will have to distance ourselves from the water, then we'll use the horn."

Dipper nodded in return.

Bill was about to stand up, when an arrow of pain surged through his leg. He hissed under his breath, and looked down. Bile almost rose up his throat, when he saw that his ankle was a blooded mess. He wondered how he didn't notice that earlier.

Dipper's eyes widened, when he spotted the boy's injury. "You're hurt, let me help--"

"I don't need your pity!" Bill snapped.

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