Gobberwonker-Part One

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In a secluded area, surrounded by towering trees, and domed by a dark sky, there was a man in the center. He sat in silence, not bothering to find a way out, trapped in his own mind. The forest was filled with nothing, but his endless chanting:


He repeated this distorted message over and over, but no one heard it but the trees, and the creature that lurked in the dark depths...


Bill's POV:

It was a sunny day, and Bill hated every moment of it.

Don't get him wrong, he liked summer as much as the next guy. What he didn't like, though: was being dragged out of bed, by a pesky redhead in broad freaking daylight!

And to make matters worse, Wendy had insisted on taking the Cipher brothers to the town's lake. So here they were, Will overdoing it with the sunscreen, while Bill fought the urge to keep his eyes open. Around them, were the annoying sounds of laughter and splashing, as families hanged out around the vast water before them.

"Isn't this nice?" Wendy smiled, stretching in the sunlight.

She looked more human now, and it only took a change of wardrobe. She was now wearing a green checkered shirt, with a pair of jeans, and a hat. When Bill had asked about her attire, Wendy said she didn't like getting recognized by the mortals, something about too many autographs or stuff like that.

Bill narrowed his eyes at her. "Can you explain why we're here?"

Wendy tilted her head. "C'mon, this is your new home, don't you want to scout the sceneries?"

"What I want, is to sleep in all day," He shot back. "The plan was going perfectly, until you ruined it."

Will nudged his brother. "Don't be such a stick in the mud, this place is kinda nice. Oh look, some lovely seagulls--"

He screamed, when the birds started flapping around him furiously, until Wendy scared them away. After that, Will scrunched into a trembling ball, while covered in feathers.

"I changed my mind, can we go home now?"

"I second that," Bill agreed.

Wendy's gaze darted between the two, and she exhaled heavily. "I have a confession to make: I brought you two here for an important reason."

The twins looked at her with curiosity in their eyes. Wendy rubbed her arm hesitantly, before pointing towards the lake.

"You see that island over there?"

Bill squinted his eyes, and stared out over the water, and managed to spot a silhouette in the distance, barely visibly behind the layer of fog.

"Yeah, and what about it?" He demanded.

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