Double Dipper-Part Three

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Dipper wasn't sure what drove him to do this.

He knew exactly what did, but he still found it unbelievable, considering he was supposed to be the responsible one! Yet, despite his shame, here he was, laying flat on his back as a green light ran over him. After the copier was done, Dipper climbed off the machine, just when a large piece of paper came out.

Dipper nearly unsheathed his sword, when it started rippling. Then, his image started peeling himself away from the paper, slowly growing three-dimensional. By the time it managed to stand up, the paper image became an exact replica of Dipper.

"Wow," He breathed, then cautiously moved forward.

The clone was still, and Dipper poked it's cheek. "Are you...alive?"

The clone suddenly blinked, and batted Dipper's finger away. "Hey! You don't just poke people!"

The brunette screamed and stepped back. He looked the replica up and down, before hesitantly saying. "Um, sorry."

"It's fine," The clone said. "I'm only guessing here, but did you bring me to life so I can help you get with Wendy?"

Dipper gaped. "Wait, how--"

"We share the same mind, remember?" The replica winked. "If so, then I'll gladly help you."

"Great! Now, all you need is a name..." The Guardian thought for a while, then said. "How about Number 2?"

The clone shook his head. "Definitely not. But hey, you know what name I always wanted?"

Both of them smirked, and said together. "Tyrone."

"OK, Tyrone," Dipper began. "I'm thinking you cover for me, while I go dance with Wendy."

"I know the plan," Tyrone reassured, pulling out the list.

The Guardian looked at him with mild suspicion. "Hey, we're not gonna get jealous and turn on each other, are we?"

"Please, this is you we're talking about," The clone said. "And remember, you can always disintegrate me with water."

"Oh right," Dipper realized. "In that case: let's set this plan in motion."


Back to the party, Will was hanging out with Mabel and her two friends. The shack was really lively at this point, with more people entering. Will even caught Fiddleford there, though it was when the old man was attempting to chew on a wire. The boy thankfully stopped him in time.

"DJ Soos in da' house!" Soos exclaimed from his turntable. "This air is electric!" Then, he started pressing random buttons on his keyboard. "Lightning...lightning..."

"Will!" Mabel shouted, over the music. "There's a sing along contest coming up, you think I should try it out?"

"Of course."

"Are you sure about that, mortal?"

The boy jolted at the new voice, and turned around. Standing near him, was a lady that was Mabel's age. She was tall, and beautiful. She wore a silk white dress, with slits at the side that left her slender legs exposed. Golden bracelets covered her arms, and a golden comb held up her thick blond hair. In Will's opinion, she vaguely resembled one of those Egyptian goddesses.

Mabel's eyes widened in recognition. "Pacifica?"

"Ugh, who invited her?" Grenda rolled her eyes.

"Watch it, sumo wrestler," Pacifica snapped at the Raven Warrior.

"I'll put you in a headlock, and make you feel pain!" Grenda growled back.

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