Dreamscapers-Part Two

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Warning: At this point, I feel like I should address that there might be themes of child abuse and homophobia. I do not intend to offend or trigger anyone, all I ask is that you read with caution.


"Dipper, slow down, you might fall," Mabel chastised, as her brother practically sprinted down the stairs.

They finally reached the living room. Instead of seeing Bill sitting on the sofa, it was their uncle, Stan.

"Hey, kiddos," He smiled. "What's the rush?"

Dipper looked at him seriously. "Where's Bill?"

"In the kitchen. Why are you asking?"

"We found out he's been keeping secrets from us, and we need an explanation from him," He said, firmly.

Stan's eyes widened, but then turned blank, as he said. "Is that so? What kind of secrets?"

"For one thing, Will has powers!" Dipper exclaimed. "And apparently, Bill has been hearing voices in his head. And, he chose not to tell us."

"You don't know that," Mabel argued. "He could've forgotten to tell us. Which is why, we're going to ask him ourselves."

Stan scrunched his brow. "Let's say, Bill did mean to keep these things hidden from you, what would you do with him?"

"Grunkle Stan, you know the answer is obvious," Dipper told him, ominously.

The old man nodded thoughtfully, then he stood up from the sofa. "In that case..." He started, before blocking his nephew's path. His golden eyes pulsed slightly. "You're not going anywhere near him."

Dipper stared up at him, his face riddled with disbelief. "What are you talking about? Didn't you just hear what I--"

"Kid, I always knew."

It was like time froze, and both Mabel and Dipper regarded him in shock. Finally, Dipper mustered up the will to speak.

"You what?"

"I knew about Will's powers," Stan admitted. "And I know Bill isn't far behind."

"You knew!" Dipper snapped, suddenly angry. "And you didn't say anything!?"

"Because it was not my place to say," The Day Guardian said, defiantly. "Just because Bill is regaining his powers, doesn't mean his past self is regaining control--"

"That's exactly what it means!" His nephew shouted. "If Bill gains back his powers, he'll be one step close to repeating what he did to our home!"

"I don't believe that," Stan said, firmly. "Why would Bill destroy everything he cares for?"

Dipper narrowed his eyes. "Oh, I see. Like Mabel, you are choosing to think with your emotions, rather than your head."

"And there's nothing wrong with that!" Mabel scolded. "It's good to think with your head, but we're only showing remorse to our friend. Instead of accusing Bill of treachery, we should help him through what he is going through."

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