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Stan sat alone in silence.

Thoughts raged in his head, like a fire that couldn't be put out. Something pushed against his chest in the inside of his shirt, and he figured it was about time to take it out.

So, he reached inside his shirt, and took out the object. The object in question, was a memory door, the door that revealed the traitor who opened barrier.

Stan had managed to grab it off of Kill while grappling him, and he stared down at it. With a trembling hand, he opened the door.

What it showed, was Bill talking to someone. The traitor.

But there was more, as the traitor's face was finally revealed. A face...that completely matched Stan's.

The Day Guardian sighed. "I'm sorry about this, kids..."

In an instant, Stan set his hands on fire, burning the memory in the process. He watched the glowing embers float around, as the door in his hands vanished into a pile of ash.

He was overridden with guilt. Something like this was punishable by death, but that was the least Stan was afraid of. No, he was afraid of the absolute disappointment on Dipper and Mabel's faces, if they found out he was the main reason their home was destroyed. He was the reason many died.

He was the reason his brother disappeared...

Stan was taking the cowardly route, by not admitting his crime. But, the fear of everyone hating him was too much.

By Axolotl, what have I done?, Stan asked himself, yet again, no answer presented itself.


Bill was awoken by a sound.

The sound in question, came from a particular pain in the ass goat. Bill sat up from his bed, and glared down at Gompers, who had been bleating nonstop. Amazingly, Will was still asleep even with Gompers's racket.

"What do you want?" Bill hissed at the animal.

Of course, Gompers didn't answer. Instead, the goat then proceeded to lock his jaws over Bill's sleeve and tug on it furiously. The blond was surprised by the amount of force, and before he knew it, he was pulled out of bed.

Bill yelped when he landed on the floor. He groaned, as the wooden planks knocked against his back. He sat up, and prepared to ran his fists of fury down on the farm animal.

But, before Bill could discipline the goat, Gompers ran out of the room. With the nuisance gone, this would be the time for Bill to go back to sleep. However, he was still angry at that goat, and wasn't sure whether Gompers would try to pull that crap again. Maybe, Bill could tie the animal to the living room table and call it a night. Will would be mad at him in the morning, but Bill was willing to accept any consequences, if it meant he could sleep in peace.

With that decided, Bill stood up from the floor, and made his way out. After descending down the staircase, he scanned the area for signs of Gompers.

"Where are you, you little creep?" Bill demanded.


Bill whirled around, and saw Gompers standing in the entrance to the hallway. Before Bill made a move to approach him, but like that, the goat bolted down the hall. The blond huffed in frustration, before following the animal.

Bill walked slowly, since it was almost pitch black and he didn't have any source of light. He could always attempt to set his hands on fire, but he might accidentally burn the shack down. The whole time he journeyed down the hall, he called Gompers's name, but there was no response of any kind. Bill sighed, and figured this wasn't worth it, he was going back to bed.

Zero Falls: Season One Where stories live. Discover now