Double Dipper-Part Two

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A while later, people started arriving at the shack. The first to come, were Wendy's Changeling friends, with Nate and Lee charging in while in their animal forms (much to Bill's complaints), while being followed by the rest of the group. After that, more and more people started filling up the shack, and the building was brought to life by loud music and lights.

Outside the shack, Dipper was checking people for invitations. So far, he caught a few gnomes in a trenchcoat trying to sneak in, and a few kids whom weren't invited. It didn't take long, before he grew needlessly bored.

Why had he agreed to this, again? Oh yeah, so he could have the chance to dance with Wendy. Well, that plan seemed to go straight into the gutter.

"Hey, Pine Tree."

Dipper turned, and saw Bill standing beside him. He noticed that the boy was holding two cups of punch. Bill avoided his gaze, and awkwardly handed him the other cup.

"Thought you might be thirsty," He muttered. "Know this, I didn't do this because I care, it would just be a bummer if the bouncer fainted from dehydration or something."

The brunette smiled at him. "Noted," He said, before taking a sip.

Dipper glanced at the blond, and strangely, Bill didn't move from his spot beside him. The Guardian began to notice that him and the boy were slowly growing friendly towards one another. Dipper swore not let this dwell any deeper, because it'll just bite him back in the neck once Bill turns evil.

"So..." Bill started. "You seem down in the dumps, what's on your mind? Again, not like I care, I'm only curious."

Dipper sighed deeply. Bill already knew about his crush on the redhead, so he might as while confide with the boy about his love troubles.

"I wanted to ask Wendy to dance," He admitted. "But, I'm stuck here all night. Hey, you think you can--"

"Hell no," Bill remarked. "You promised, Pine Tree, you ain't moving from this spot."

Dipper grumbled softly, then turned away from the other. "Figures, you say that."

Bill peered at him, and then his expression softened. "Ugh, fine!" He snapped, surprising Dipper. "If I help you, will you stop moping?"

Dipper nodded eagerly. "Of course! So, you'd take my place?"

"No," He said. After a pause, he added softly. "But, there is a other way..."

The Guardian watched in confusion, as the blond stepped inside the shack while beckoning him. Eventually, Dipper followed.


The two were now walking down a dark hallway, while muffled music boomed from the party. Dipper was wondering where they were going, when Bill spoke after what felt like an eternity of silence.

"So, how exactly are you planning to ask Red out?" He questioned.

"Oh, I have the whole plan figured out," Dipper replied, confidently.


The Guardian nodded. "Yep," He said, then reached into his shirt and pulled out a piece of paper. He unrolled it to the point of it touching the floor.

"What the heck, dude?" Bill asked, incredulously.

Dipper ignored him, and read the top of his list. "Step #1: getting to know each other through playful banter. Banter is like talking, but smarter."

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