The Inconvenience-Part Two

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Bill's POV:

The group were now strolling through a path in the woods. Night was already crawling overhead, and soon they were surrounded by an eerie darkness. Despite the creepy scenery, Wendy and her gang were unfazed. Understandably, considering they were powerful beings. As for the Cipher twins, Will was anxious as always, while Bill had other thoughts on his mind.

He shifted his gaze to the two people in front: Wendy and Robbie. Bill was mostly looking at the Cupid, before eventually turning to Dipper. The Guardian was also eyeing Robbie, and his lips thinned. The rivalry between the two young men was obvious, but he still decided to test his theory.

He slinked closer to Dipper. "So, what's it with you and Leather Pants over there?"

Dipper tossed him a hard look, as though annoyed that Bill decided to talk to him. Then, he said. "Nothing much. Unlike most Guardians, Robbie was born and raised in the mortal realm, so there are very few times we interacted."

"Then, why are you acting like he just kicked a puppy?"

The brunette's lips curled into a grimace. Obviously, he rather not have this conversation, but the blond couldn't help his curiosity. Though, Bill didn't know what came over him, as to be interested in Dipper's life.

Dipper's gaze darted to the two figures in front, and Bill looked to see Robbie with an arm around Wendy's shoulders. Finally, everything was clear.

"Oh, someone's jealous," He taunted.

Dipper rolled his eyes. "I'm not--"

"Don't even deny it," Bill chuckled. "Who knew a inter dimensional warrior could be insecure compared to a dude in tight pants."

The Guardian flushed. "I refuse to talk about this, Bill."

The blond thought about pressing him, but decided against it. Bill could be reckless, but that didn't mean he was gonna pester someone with a sword.

"Alright," He sighed, then took a glance at Robbie curiously. "Strange, I expected a Cupid to look like one of those chubby babies with wings."

"Robbie isn't an ordinary Cupid," Dipper said. "He doesn't specifically make people fall in love, he only gives hope to those with broken hearts. He is a very skilled archer, be lucky that he doesn't recognize who you really are, or else he would've plunged an arrow into your skull the second he saw you."

Bill rolled his eyes. For once, he would like to go somewhere in this town, and not be mistaken for the enemy and targeted by every weirdo in sight.

"Hey guys!" Wendy called from in front.

The group paused, and looked ahead of them. Behind a tall fence, was an abandoned looking store. Dry paint chipped off from it's brick walls, the windows looked dusty and gave little view of the inside, and hanged limply on it's roof was the giant sign Dusk 2 Dawn.

"Here it is," Wendy smiled, gesturing towards the store. "The condemned Dusk 2 Dawn."

"Cool!" Lee and Nate beamed.

"Why was it shut down?" Will asked, nervously. "Was it rats, or--"

"Try murder!" Lee said, eerily.

"Some folks died there," Nate agreed. "It's been haunted ever since."

"Ooohh!" Mabel said, excitably.

Will trembled. "Uh, haunted? Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Wendy clapped him on the back encouragingly. "Don't worry. If there's any paranormal activity, I don't think they'll be any match for us Guardians and Changelings."

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