Trust of a Peacock-Part One

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A/N: just dropping in to say that you may notice there will be a lack of Dipper and Mabel in the next few chapters. Don't worry, they'll return soon.

After the incident with Kill, the Cipher twins were a little on edge. Specifically, Will. 

The blue haired boy was currently pacing around the living room one morning, and of course, he had to do it while Bill was watching television. The blond grimaced in irritation, as Will kept blocking the screen.

"Dang it, Will!" He snapped, catching the boy's attention. "Can't you cower in the kitchen, instead disrupting my morning television?"

Will furrowed his brow. "Oh, sorry, I just have a few things on my mind, for example: THERE'S A DEMON OUT TO KILL ME!"

Bill leaned onto the armrest of the couch, regarding his brother with an indifferent look. "Relax, alright? Wendy already told you a dozen times that there's no signs of Kill outside our shack."

Will's face contorted into a paranoid expression. "But, what if he's somewhere in town? The diner? The arcade? Or, maybe the--"

"For god's sake!" The blond shouted, standing up to his feet. "You need to calm down, because honestly, there's only so much of your paranoia that I can take before I lose my mind."

"I've been through a near death experience! How do expect me to calm down?"

"Since when had either of us not been through a near death experience?"

Will was silent for a moment, before saying. "Good point."

Bill walked over, and ruffled his brother's hair. "Exactly. Maybe, we can go somewhere, in hopes of taking your mind off things?"

"Are you sure it's safe--"

"I'm positive," He insisted. "And we'll only be out for a short while, and Wendy would always come running to save us whenever we're in trouble."

Will still looked unsure, but there was a hint of interest. In the end, he nodded in agreement. "OK, what do you have in mind?"

Bill rubbed his chin in thought, on the same time when a voice spoke from the television.

"Come one and all, to the Tent O' Telepathy!"

The twins turned, and on the screen, was an image of a huge blue tent, with people surrounding it.

"Here, you will see the one and only Lord of Peacocks and Trust! Gideon Gleeful."

"What makes him so special?" Bill scoffed.

"He's a psychic."

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