Irrational Treasure-Part Three

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The two arrived a cemetery. Silence filled the air, as they gazed up at a statue, one that looked exactly like the upsidedown canvas. Bill's gaze darted to the direction it was pointing to.

"Maybe, it's pointing to the next clue," He assumed. "Shooting Star, let's see-- What are you doing?"

Mabel was beside the statue, with it's finger sticking in her nose. "Oh gross! She's picking my nose!" She laughed. "I'm such a riot."

She tried to get down, but only ended up getting her nose tugged. Mabel yelped, on the same moment when the statue's finger bent downwards. Almost immediately, the earth rumbled, then the ground split open near the statue, revealing a hidden staircase. Bill stared down at it, as debris sprinkled down the stairs.

"A secret passage!"

Mabel finally freed her nose from the statue, and shared Bill's amazement. "What we're looking for must be down there."

Bill nodded, and slowly trudged down the passage, with Mabel following him close behind. The walls around them was dirt and bricks cramped together, making their surroundings heavy with a musky stench. To say it was unpleasant, would be an understatement. Bill halted, when he stepped on a tile, that sunk into the floor. Before he could comprehend what was happening, there was a click in the wall, and a million darts flew from the wall towards him.

"Look out!" Mabel yelled, lunging onto him.

She flung them both to ground, where they laid flat on their stomachs. The darts flew overhead, before eventually subsiding. After that, the two carefully stood up.

Bill dusted himself off. "Thanks, Mabel."

Mabel only smiled in return, and the two proceeded to walk forward. A few minutes later, they entered a chamber. It was filled to the brim, with ancient documents. They both took this in slowly, before moving forward.

"Come on, one of these should tell us the truth," Bill told her, already blowing dust off a document.

Mabel was paging through one excitingly. "Woah, Benjamin Franklin really was woman! You think she'd be named Bennie?" She chuckled.

She put the parchment aside, to look through more. However, when she looked through the next document, her face lit up in horror and she gasped.

"What's wrong?" Bill asked. "Did you find it?"

Mabel shook her head quickly. "N-no! Just some stuff about Abraham Lincoln hiding a conjoined twin under his hat, nothing really special. Hehe."

Bill squinted at her suspiciously, as she hid the said document inside her blouse. He dismissed the idea of interrogating her, and kept looking. And like that, he found it.

"Aha! The Founder Cover-up," He said, holding up the document triumphantly. Then he opened it up, and began reading out loud. "Let it be recorded, that the Guardians never founded Zero Gravity Town. The true founder was a mortal called sir, Quentin Trembley, III, Esquire."

Mabel scratched her head. "Who's Quentin Trembley?"

"That's none of your business."

They spun around, when two shadowy figures stepped into the light. It was Officer Blubs and Deputy Durland.

"What do you two want with us?" Bill demanded.

"Yeah, and who's this Quentin guy?" Mabel added on.

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