24. The Plus One

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It was two weeks later. Jungkook has come back to base and was working diligently. Ms. Halia could not do anything when she heard that Jungkook was moving in Jimin's team.

Pete and Tom were still not talking to Jungkook and specially after he moved from their team again, they were more sure about Jungkook's affair with Jimin. Zai and Jihyun on the other hand sympathized with him. Although they don't see each other much now, they do hangout whence Jungkook visits.

Since Jimin was the boss now, Jungkook did not need to come to office. He mostly worked from home or travelled across countries.

The time spent with the family was something which kept him going. His sister and brother-in-law also visited uncle's place on Christmas.

He gave everyone gifts which he bought with his own money. Everyone accepted gratifyingly except the aunt who did not express any content.

Jungkook was currently working with Ms. Saina to organize new event. Few people in office have spread rumors about Ms. Saina and Jungkook or few said that it was Jimin and Jungkook involved together, which gained the younger many things but no one dared speak in front of them.

The two were Jimin's direct and only reporters. No one messes with team working under Jimin. Not even the ones holding good positions in the company.

"I was thinking to call the caterers tomorrow. What do you think Kyla?" Jungkook asked her as they sat in her office.

"We don't have much time left. How about today?" She asked.

"Today I can't, because my brother-in-law is coming for some work in Hawaii. He will be staying a week. I have to go pick him."  Jungkook told her.

"But I guess he can come by himself. I will inform him that I will be working late." Jungkook added.

"No. You can't. Go. I will call them." Kyla told Jungkook.

"No, I feel bad. You already have enough."

"I said go. If you don't I will call Jimin to the office." Kyla blackmailed Jungkook and she knew that had to do it.

Jungkook immediately stood, sighed and walked out with a grin.

"Have a good night. Don't work too late." He said as he halted and then stormed out of the office.

On the way Zai waved at him and Jungkook waved back. He smiled at Pete who did not respond and just averted his gaze. Jungkook acted like it did not hurt him but truly it did. These were the first bunch of friends he had got and lost too soon. It was not his fault, Pete just got jealous.

Jungkook thought he was not completely wrong because Jungkook indeed was favored. May be he also would have acted the same way if he was in Pete's place. That's why he kept putting efforts for reconciliation. 

He reached the basement parking and got inside his car. Not the red Sedan that Jimin bought him, but he got himself a Chevrolet a week ago. It is not as expensive as the one Jimin had given him but it worked the same.

Jungkook reached the airport and waited outside the arrival gate. Just as he saw Yoongi, his lips curved upwards into smile.

"Hyung, this way." He waved, jumping a little and Yoongi spotted his cute little brother-in-law.

Yoongi strode towards the boy and hugged him. Even though it has been only two weeks they had seen each other at home but neither of them could resist the need to hug.

"Come hyung." Jungkook took the trolley from Yoongi's hand and walked ahead to guide him to his car.

"Nice Jungkook. She is a beauty." Yoongi complimented the black car. Jungkook laughed.

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