44. WTF

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A week passed and Jungkook had started walking a little. He would go to washroom by himself or walk till the dining table for food.

Jimin helped him with his daily stretches in evening under fresh air on the beach after sunset.

They now slept together. Jungkook asked Jimin to make love to him last night, but Jimin denied. Now Jungkook was not talking to older male.

His iPad notified him of the video call from Riri.

Hello Noona

How are you Jungkookie?

I am better, yesterday I walked 500 steps.

That's great. When is your next appointment with Doctor?

It is this evening.

Oh, how is Jimin? Jungkook looked at the man who was sitting in living room with his laptop. He had resumed work from today, after a break of three and a half weeks.

He is fine, Noona.

Did you two fight?

How did you know?

The frown on your face. Riri laughed and Jungkook's face flushed.

Bye Noona, I am watching Wanda Vision.

Riri laughed.

Okay, Take care of yourself and don't fight with Jimin.

"Still won't talk to me?" Jimin spoke and Jungkook yelped at sudden invasion. He turned his back on the older male and started watching the new released episode of Wanda Vision.

Jimin sighed and dragged his feet on the floor to sit on the bed by Jungkook's side. He pulled away the iPad slowly, which he had bought for the boy the same evening when his family left for Korea.

Jungkook kept his gaze low as Jimin held his hand and rubbed his thumb over it. "I am sorry Jungkook. Please don't be like this. I miss you." He told the boy softly and Jungkook's stomach felt a rock.

He responded to the touch by pulling him and hugged him. "I am sorry too, Jimin." Jungkook sighed under the comfort of home, Jimin was his home, and whimpered as he felt the protective arms around him.

"Don't say sorry." Jimin kissed his cheeks softly.
"What do you want to eat today?" Jimin asked next.

"I am eating salads and chicken since weeks. I will still get to eat the same. Why do you even ask?" Jungkook pouted and Jimin chuckled.

"I will make them with different recipe today. Don't worry." Jimin said as he tightened his grip around the boy but not much to cause him discomfort.

"Were you cooking for me all this time?" Jungkook asked as he fiddled with Jimin's neck.

"Who did you think was cooking for you?" Jimin raised his brow as he parted as raised a brow at younger.

"I don't know. Ramon." Jungkook giggled and Jimin clutched his heart dramatically.

"My heart." He whimpered acting as if he was hurting by the statement and Jungkook giggled which warmed Jimin's soul.

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