48. Reconciliation

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"Why aren't you ready yet?" Jimin asked Jungkook as he hastily got inside their room but when he looked at younger standing in front of wardrobe like a mannequin, he put his hand on his back gently.

"What's wrong?" He asked slowly.

"I don't know what to wear." Jungkook said looking at his scars. 

Jimin was taking him outside today and it would be first after the accident. Jungkook was insecure, which wrenched Jimin's heart. 

Jimin did not say anything but went ahead to choose an outfit for the boy. He picked black pants with white and blue jacket to cover his scars above white t-shirt. "Here, you will look amazing in this."  Jimin said and Jungkook smiled, satisfied with the choice of clothes.

Suddenly phone rang. "I will bring it for you." Jimin told Jungkook and rushed to the nightstand to pick it up. He saw Jungkook's Noona calling him. 

"It's your Noona." Jimin spoke.

"Answer it." Jungkook replied and walked into the changing room.  Jimin hesitantly pressed the green button and started to talk.  

Hello Noona.

Hey Jimin?

Yeah, Jungkook is getting ready. We are going out tonight.

That's great. How is he now? What did doctor say? 

He has pretty much recovered, it's just his scars which trouble him a little bit. 

They will go slowly. I don't want you to get late. Have a good time. I will talk to Jungkook tomorrow. Take care Jimin.

Okay, take care of yourself and Yoongi hyung. 

Jungkook came out in few minutes. He was looking at Jimin from inside.

"You look magnificent." Jimin said as he got up from the bed and walked towards Jungkook. He slowly kissed his forehead and latter smiled, wrapping his arms around elder's torso. 

"What is my baby feeling right now?" Jimin asked, words dipped in care, while gently holding Jungkook in his arms. 

"I am excited to go out there but I am also nervous." Jungkook spoke the truth.

Jimin parted and cupped younger's face. "Look at me." He said and the younger did. Jimin slowly traced his scar with his thumb, which had gotten lesser.
"You are gorgeous. I am not lying. I don't lie and you know that. Trust me when I say this, your scar makes you look even perfect. Don't let it mess with your mind. You look absolutely magnificent."  

"Thank you, Jimin." Jungkook replied and then he suddenly said, "Can I ask you for something?"

"Anything baby." Jimin's hand slowly moved down and held Jungkook's. 

"Can you talk to you parents?" Jungkook said looking into Jimin's eyes and older suddenly left the hands he was holding. He walked to the window and looked outside. 

"I know they have not been greatest parents and people do make mistakes. You did too and I forgave you." Jimin did not say a word and Jungkook slowly made his way to him.

"You have everything but you still lack a family. I looked at you smiling over the phone as you talked to Noona. We all need family." Jungkook said and put his hand over Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin slowly turned towards Jungkook and held him. "I have all I need. You are my family." 

"Jimin, you know what I mean. I am not forcing you. I am just asking you to think about giving them a chance." 

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