21. Dilemma one, Solution none

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Jungkook's colleague, Pete, has been acting weird lately and Jungkook had no clue why, so he decided to talk to him today.

"Hey Man! Do you have a minute?" He asked the boy.

"Sure. What is it?" Pete replied without looking back at Jungkook.

"Can we go for coffee?" Jungkook asked with hope in his eyes.

"I have a lot to do Jungkook. And I will not be forgiven like you, even if you don't do anything around here." He snickered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jungkook asked, defensively.

"Well, as I said before. You have perks." Pete was getting more irritated by minute and so was Jungkook. Sure, he also knows he has some privileges but he works his ass off.

"Can you tell me what is your problem with me?" Jungkook asked as he reached out for his arm and Pete yanked him off, pushing him.

"Pete!" Jungkook yelled, almost teary eyed.

"No. Just no. Alright." Pete yelled back.

Zai, Tom and Jihyun suddenly left their works stations and turned to look at the commotion.

"Not here guys. Ms. Saina is right in front." Zai whispered. She dragged them out and towards the elevator. All of them went down to the ground floor of the office tower building.

"Continue." Zai said, unamused.

"It is him. He has something against me and he is not talking to me. How would I know if he doesn't talk. Tell me what did I do wrong?" Jungkook told Zai who shook her head.

"Are you two school going kids? Come on man, Pete. Talk it out." Zai requested.

"You want me to talk about it. Okay. Let's talk." Pete snarked.

"Did you know Jungkook here, worked for the CEO before he joined us? I bet no. Did you know that he has been provided with a company house for himself? I bet you did not. I am pretty sure he earns way more than we do. Ms. Saina is all Jungkook this and Jungkook that."

Jungkook gulped because nothing Pete mentioned was wrong.

"I have seen him going out with Jimin in his car. Is that why he gets everything because probably they are fucking?"

"PETE!" Jungkook screamed and everyone around looked at them.

"Calm down you two." Zai interjected. "Is it true, Jungkook?" She asked.

"Yeah. I have a company house. But I did not ask for it. I worked for Jimin but I did not ask for it either. It is my first time on a job. I had no clue how things work. I did not even realize that I had these privileges of getting the house for myself until I met you guys and you all told me that you don't have it. It is not my fault. I never intended for anything to happen." Jungkook told defensively.

"What were you doing, going out with Jimin?" Jihyun asked in low voice.

"Well that's none of anyone's business what I do outside the office. If you want to think that I and Jimin are fucking, then it is up to you to keep thinking like that, because clearly you don't believe me."

"It fucking is, when what you do outside office grant you privileges inside the office, then it fucking is our business. We will never be able to compete with you. You will get promoted no matter how hard we all work. It will just be you who will get everything." Pete yelled and he charged on Jungkook.

They were now attacking each other with free punches and what not.

Tom and Jihyun held both the boys while Zai came in between. "Stop it. For god's sake."

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