45. The Past - I

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It was middle of the week and Jimin wanted to do something for Jungkook. He has been treating him to lavish dinners but he wanted to do more. The problem was, he could not take Jungkook out on a date so he arranged a Movie date at home.

"Where are you taking me, Jimin? I already know you have a skyline room on terrace." Jungkook was giggling mess.

"I hope you like it." Jimin removed his hands from taller male's eyes which shone with glee.

"I love it." He chirped turning back to Jimin.

In front of him was a room which was turned into a theatre with big projection at the wall, recliner chairs kept in the middle. Ramon had prepared popcorn and various snacks for the couple, mostly for Jungkook.

Jimin motioned for Jungkook to enter. Younger leaned in and kissed Jimin and latter was caught off guard. Jungkook was shy and would not kiss or even hold hands with Jimin in front of Ramon but he was just happy right now.

Jimin kissed back and held the boy close. They felt each other with closed eyes and Ramon purred at them. Jimin parted and kissed Jungkook's nose at which he chuckled. He then held the boy's hand let Jungkook enter the room, and he followed. Ramon stopped younger to provide him with 3D glasses which they both took one by one.

"I am so happy." He told Jimin and the said male smiled with adoration in his eyes.

"Which movie are we watching?" Jungkook asked getting comfortable in his seat and Jimin kept smiling.

"Any movie which has been released till date. You name it." Jimin told Jungkook who widened his eyes.

"Oh really?" Jungkook was bewildered.

"This is your movie theatre. Of course yes." Jimin told the boy by holding his hand.

"What about Iron Man?" Younger asked and Jimin burst out laughing and pinched former's nose.

"Jarvis! Play Iron Man." Jimin commanded and Ramon bowed before pushing play button. Jungkook stifled a high pitch laugh at that and Jimin loved it.

"Popcorn coming right away, Sire." Ramon said and left the room.

Jungkook got lost in the movie with his big round eyes staring at the screen while Jimin got lost into his baby. A few minutes in Jungkook got up and sat in Jimin's lap.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked and the boy hugged himself.

"I am cold." He replied and Jimin got up to bring blanket. He then wrapped Jungkook under it and placed him back on his chair while latter pouted.

"What?" Jimin chuckled.

"I want to snuggle with you." Jungkook faked a sobbing cry and Jimin guffawed, brushing his hair up.

"Stay where you are." Jimin told Jungkook who sighed.

"Fine. I am not going to share my popcorn with you." He told Jimin who pouted now.

"Not even a little bit?" He asked with a pout and Jungkook was seeing this Jimin first time. His heart beat stopped for few seconds before picking speed and he melted.

"Take everything." He said dreamily and Jimin chuckled and licked his lips after.

"Come here." He opened his arms and Jungkook immediately jumped on Jimin who held the boy closer and patted his head.

Half an hour in the movie and Jungkook got lost in slumber. Jimin leaned in and waved his hand slowly in front of boy's face but no response was received. He smiled and then picked Jungkook to walk into their room.

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