11. First Assignment

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With oblique eyes, Jungkook spots a blotch figure in front of him but could not comprehend as the curtains were not drawn and sunrays were attacking his cornea like salt on wound, tearing his eyes.

He gets up rubbing his eyes as the blob starts to move. He grabs his duvet in fists folding it near his chest and cowers back until his back hits the headboard. "How are you feeling?" He hears Jimin's voice.

"Jimin?" He questions.

"Ahan! He recognizes my voice." Jimin smirks as he settles on edge of the bed.

"Curtains." Jungkook points towards the huge pane while his body remains facing the opposite side and Jimin smiles to himself before getting up to obey the little one.

Jungkook relaxes once the lights cut off and sees Jimin clearly. "Why are you naked?" He immediately asks bewildered.

Jimin turns to Jungkook and latter gulps hard eyeing the 6 pack toned abs. Jimin begins to amble towards the bed again. This time Jungkook does not move and remains in same position clutching his duvet to his chest.

Jimin sits beside him making Jungkook flustered and awkward. "I am not naked little one, but I can be if you want." He says sardonically in a hoarse flirtatious voice. As on cue poor boy peeks under the duvet to check if he was naked and Jimin controls his laughter on his little action.

"You are not naked. Nothing happened between us. Nothing will ever happen between us." The last sentence catches Jungkook's attention as his gaze drifts from down under to elder's face who remains unamused.

"Are you disappointed?" Jimin asks slowly as he gently rubs his knuckles on younger's cheeks causing him to close his eyes and a meek whimper escapes his mouth.

Jimin's smirk flips to a fond smile but he shuns away the thought he was having in mind. He retreats and loudly says, "eat and drink this."

Jungkook opens his eyes to see Jimin walking back to sit on the couch where he puts on his shirt and covers his upper body. He points at the side table where a tray rests with breakfast and a big glass of pomegranate juice.

Jungkook slowly removes the lid from top of the glass holding it in both of his hands, he gulps the juice in one go with his eyes going wide. "Are you that thirsty?" Jimin asks smiling and Jungkook nods.

"I am so hungry." He says.

Jimin gets up from the couch to walk towards Jungkook again. This time he sits at distance. "Let's get to work after eating." Jimin commands.

Jungkook nods at first but then it hits him. "But it is weekend." He whines.

"I don't care." Jimin replies gazing dead serious into younger's eye.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" Jungkook surrenders because he doesn't want Jimin to feel dejected towards him for unobvious reasons.

"Remember the task I gave you on the Yacht ?" Jimin asks. Jungkook nods frantically as he stuffs his face with toast and omelet. "Did you go and check the site?" Jimin asks next.

Jungkook shakes his head enthusiastically. "Tch. And you have been complaining to Ms. Saina that you do not have enough work to do." Jimin shakes his head in disappointment which sends a pang to Jungkook's chest. He never wants to disappoint Jimin.

He thinks how does Jimin know about it? He puts down the food and says, "I will get right to it. I am sorry Jimin." Flipping the duvet he gets down and cradles his feet into room slippers when Jimin pulls him back holding his wrist.

"Finish this first." He commands.

"I am not hungry." Jungkook opposes but gets cut off instead.

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