10. Disappointment

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"Oh he doesn't have an office. He almost never comes."

"Where does he work from?" Jungkook asks perplexed.

"This working from home culture comes from Jimin. He works from his hotels, home or beach houses often and that is why he doesn't have any issue with employees coming or not coming to office."

"But he is very strict with deadlines and fires people like discarded paper towels." Ms. Saina scoffs.

"When will I get to see him?" Jungkook asks restlessly.

"That depends entirely on Jimin." Ms. Saina responds and thinks about something to say.

"If you have anything urgent to say to him then you can tell me." She pats Jungkook's shoulder once, lightly.

"No. That's alright. Thank you for your help. I will go get other formalities done." Jungkook replies before bowing and leaves.


It has been a week since Jungkook found himself now, in the labyrinth of time itself. He finished all the trainings assigned to him in first three days but he did not get any call from Jimin or Ms. Saina after that until this morning when latter called him to ask about his experience.

He had this notion knitted in brain of his, that perhaps may be Jimin was favoring him because he liked him. Just as he concluded to his own concept, it sounded ridiculous in his head. How could he think like that? Park Jimin, the almighty here, liked some one like Jungkook. Impossible.

But somehow, Pete's word had deposited itself in his mind. "Perk."

He thought about it a lot.

Ms. Saina was nothing but nice to him. She was Jimin's PA and by now he knew that she did nothing more or less than what she was asked of. That got Jungkook skew his hypothesis once more. He thought and overthought until he lost count of the initial chain of the thought itself.

He asked Ms. Saina if he is needed at the office but she only replied in one word, uttering "soon."

Was it all? He was not complaining of course, with the set up he was living in. It was par luxurious but he needed to show to himself what he is capable of and he could not do that without working.

He was sitting at the high chair of the bar, still thinking about Jimin. The man never escaped his mind. He was put out of trance when bartender put the glass with a thud on the bar counter. "Here you go Sir."

Jungkook smiled at him before taking a glass and sipping little by little. The bitterness of the drink thrashed his throat as it flowed down. He closed his eyes shut to bear the blow of it all and leaned back on the counter, placing his elbow on it.

He fished out phone from the jeans pocket and sent his cousin a selfie with his drink in hand along a caption, "Living the adult life."

He waited for text back but to no avail. Stowing the phone back into his pocket his eyes fell on a certain figure.

"Well fuck! Is that Park Jimin? It can't be." He almost yelled out.

"Yeah!" Bartender seemed to have heard him as he replied to Jungkook to what was not supposed to be a question.

"Wait! Do you know him?" Jungkook asked flabbergasted.

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