56. Secret He Hid

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Jungkook noticed Jimin coming out of the house. His cold glares gave him away and younger knew his mood had gone straight to hell. His stance got interrupted by Hoseok who came running after Jimin.

Jungkook saw Jimin turn to Hoseok who handed an envelop to his boyfriend. Jimin immediately looked at Jungkook and back at Hobi. He tucked the envelop in his jacket and smiled at Jungkook.

Younger smiled back from the car and saw Jimin walked towards car and Hoseok went back inside, after exchanging few words. Jimin opened the car door and Jungkook looked at his phone. "What was that?" Jungkook asked and Jimin lied.

"Hoseok Hyung gave me his resume for any job opening."


Jimin drove silently and Jungkook knew he was hiding something. He felt odd as to why would he?

"Jimin." Jungkook clutched onto Jimin's hand and older looked at former in response and saw the boy was visibly afraid of something and realized he was going way over the speed limit so he immediately pressed brakes.

"Baby, I am sorry. I am so sorry. Are you okay?" He pulled over and removed his seat belt before turning his posture to hold Jungkook's face.

"I am okay Jimin. Are you?" Jungkook asked and emphasized on his words worriedly as he held onto Jimin's hands which cupped Jungkook's face.

Jimin exhaled heavily. His face was flushed red. Anyone could tell he was everything but alright. "Why would not I be okay when I have you. Hm?" He pulled the boy close and hugged him. A lone tear escaped his eyes and he wiped it quickly.

Facing the past which had sent him in turmoil for life brought back every bitter experience which Jimin suffered through years. Every time he felt no sexual pleasure with others without dominating them, every time he contemplated his crooked ways, all those moments reminded him of this one incident in his life, which now caught up to him in most unexpected ways.

Jimin never wanted to relive it. He wanted to bury it so deep down that he would forget it completely, but his mind kept reminding him time to time. He was able to hide his pain from everyone, but how could he cheat himself?

Jimin had no way in hell he was going to tell Jungkook about it. He did not want Jungkook to worry about Jimin or even feel ashamed of his family even once. Jimin knew he would have to take this secret to his grave. He brought a fake smile to his face and pulled away. "Let's get you banana milk." He said slowly.

"I just want to go home Jimin. I don't want anything. Please let's just go back." Jungkook observed that Jimin was being strong for him. He wanted Jimin to be able to break down in front him. Crying doesn't make anyone weak but it only gives strength. He wished Jimin would realize it too.

"Are you sure? Why do you not want to go suddenly?" Jimin asked caressing Jungkook's cheek.

"Let's just eat with Noona and Hyung. We will go back to Hawaii soon, so let's just spend time with family." Jungkook told Jimin who nodded and ignited the engine.

At first, he started to drive back home. He felt that he spoiled the good mood of his baby. Jungkook was so excited to go and eat out with Jimin and show him around. He suddenly turned the car around and Jungkook looked at him.

"I want banana milk." Jimin smiled and Jungkook could not help but to smile beautifully as well.

"Are you sure Jimin?" Jungkook asked. He did not want Jimin to suffer through lunch.

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