46. The Past - II

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Warning: Violence and Triggering Content


We came back home in afternoon. My mom had made us lunch but she did not eat herself. She served us the food. Noona asked her to eat but she said she would eat with dad.

Dad did not come for lunch that day. I saw her crying silently.

Night arrived and my heart was shaking. I was scared that it will happen all over again like last night. I was not able to sleep at first but mom made me sleep.

I woke up again with voice of plates breaking late at night. Noona woke up with me and she immediately rushed to me. I held onto her for life. "Why is it happening every night Noona? When does it stop?" I asked her.

She did not know the answer. "It will be over soon Minie." She said and stroked my head. We kept hearing the cutlery being thrown and then slaps reverberated in the room.

I could not hold it and cried again. Both of us were pretty much scared and shook. Dad hit mom everyday. The atmosphere at home felt unsafe.

It affected my health dramatically and my teachers at school asked Noona about the reason. She could not say anything. It kept happening for entire week and finally the weekend arrived. Mom did not cook that morning. Dad brought take over for us to eat and Noona fed me like she had been doing it in last week.

That one week turned everything around. A 5 year old me understood everything in such tender age what I should not have. Time would have come for me to learn everything but it did not wait.

Door bell rang and I saw my uncle coming to our house unannounced. Mom had called him. He asked us to go to our room but Mom made us stay. "Kids should know that their father is hitting their mother." She said as she started crying.

I started shaking again and cried hard. Noona was there to hold me but we still were kids after all. Dad stormed ahead and he slapped mom right across her face rendering my uncle shocked.

"What are you doing?" He yanked off my dad's hand off as he looked at my crying mother.

"This is what this man has been doing for for entire week." Mom said.

"You need to behave Pil-Hyun. How can you hit a woman, and that too in front of your own children?" He thundered.

"She is cheating on me hyung. She is fucking cheating on me with a grocery store owner downstairs." Dad yelled and fisted his hair in frustration.

"No I am not. I have told you many times. I am not." Mom yelled back and dad went to his room. He brought the pictures of them together and threw at her face.

"Who are they then?" He asked and mom remained quite. It was her pictures inside the closed grocery store. We two saw them fighting and I felt dizzy. It made me nauseous.

"So I guess you cheating on me is justified but I cannot do it." Mom chuckled and uncle remained frozen in her place.

"Should not everyone know about that too?" She yelled and dad glared at her with his blood shot eyes.

She turned to my uncle and started telling him the story. "When I was pregnant with Jimin he and my sister started an affair after making an excuse of taking care of the baby." She said bitterly.

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