47. The Past - III

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"Jimin?" Jungkook slowly called the broken man in his arms and Jimin sighed as he shuddered lightly.

"Do you want anything?" Jungkook asked and Jimin smiled.

"Look at you taking care of me." He pinched younger's cheeks who blushed but also got relieved that Jimin was okay.

"Don't you want to sleep? We have Doctor's appointment tomorrow." Jimin asked the boy as he stroked his hair and Jungkook shook his head.

"I am not sleepy yet." He replied slowly.

"Let me tuck you in. You will find sleep easily." Jimin motioned for Jungkook to lay down but he pouted.

"No, I want you to be under blanket too." He insisted and Jimin turned off the lights before he got inside the covers. He kept patting the boy's back slowly with eyes closed but Jungkook's bambi eyes were even rounder as the thoughts danced in his head.


"Hmm.." Jimin hummed whilst patting him.

"Where are your parents now?" The boy asked. Jimin cradled his hand under Jungkook's head as an arm pillow with which younger snuggled closer.

"They live in Daegu. After Noona's passing, my uncle took me away. He witnessed how harmful the atmosphere was for us and he wished he was there to save Noona too, only if he had known a little earlier."

"Did you see them after?" Jungkook asked hesitantly.

"I did not. I wanted to get out of there. That is the same reason I don't do any business in Korea. When you asked me this question on yacht, I could not tell you the real reason. I don't want to do have any relationship with Korea because it reminds me of my childhood." Jimin replied calmly.

"I am so sorry Jimin. Thank god for your uncle." Jungkook whispered.

"If my uncle wasn't there with me, I would not have been here. He facilitated my study. I used to meet my parents until I was adult. They would have monitoring visit and we never really talked whenever they visited. They bought me toys or sports equipment but I could never forgive them. Once I turned adult I left Korea and came here with a friend."

"You have a friend?" Jungkook asked dramatically.

"Of course I have friends, in plural." Jimin replied.

"Do you visit your uncle at least?" Jungkook asked. 

"No, but he does. Sometimes. He is old now, so it's been a while since he came here."

"Were you always rich?" Jungkook asked looking at ceiling. 

"No. Me and Kai used to do adventure sports to earn money when we came here. One day I met a yacht owner. He was rich and he recognized a talent of leadership in me. He handed over one of his yacht to me for free and said, 'You can either build yourself up with it or remain to live on an average life. You have a talent to turn A Dead Boat into capital.' I still remember him." Jimin replied.

"Wow, so you started from one boat and now you are here. Did you ever call that man back?" Jungkook asked.

"Do I look like a fool to you? If I called him, he would have asked for his share of profit that I made from piece of junk. I am not here for nothing baby." Jimin smirked and Jungkook laughed.

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