23. Happy Holidays

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Jungkook reached his home and before knocking he took in the crisp cold air, super excited to see his family after five months. He exhaled deeply, letting the cool vapors out in the air before knocking gingerly on the door.

The door opened and Jungkook immediately hugged his cousin. "Hoseok hyung!" He yelled as he jumped in circles while hugging the elder and Hoseok followed his baby brother. 

"How are you Jungkookie?" He asked excited.

"I am good. Everything is just great. I want to listen about you and what I missed during all these months." Jungkook's eyes were shining until he saw his aunt.

He bowed and greeted the aunt who did not look all that happy but nothing would crush Jungkook's Christmas spirit this season.

Mr. Jung approached the living room from upstairs and Jungkook hugged him. "Uncle!" He chimed.

"My Son! You have grown even more." He said trailing hands on Jungkook's arms and stroked his cheeks lovingly.

"I am an adult now. Of course I grew." Jungkook replied causing them to laugh. 

"Get inside. You must be cold. I will get hot chocolate for you." Mr. Jung said while fixing his muffler and then went to the kitchen.

Hoseok took the bags to put them in his room. They would share the room till Jungkook is here because Jungkook's room was rented to a tenant. The financial situation has not been good for the family lately and Jungkook did not know. "Come Kook, Get some rest and then you are telling me all about your fancy job."

The voices disrupted as everyone got busy in their chores. The house was not so big duplex. Just after the off white varnished door was a small living room with dining table and few sofas. Straight ahead was kitchen from where the main door was visible. Towards the right was room where Hoseok lived. The stairs were situated on the left side of entry door. On first floor were three rooms, one which earlier was occupied by Jungkook and one of his uncle and aunt. The third one was the guest room in which aunt's nephew was staying.

Jungkook got changed and came out to sit at the dining table. Mr. Jung approached with two cups of hot chocolate for his sons. 

"How is everyone there Kook? How is your boss?" Uncle Jung asked.'

Jungkook thought about Ms. Halia who was good at first but later she became more and more strict and his friends who stopped talking to him. Zai and Jihyun were the only two who still were good to him but he was not content albeit the big money. Jimin's thought came to his mind which hurt him even more. He realized at last that he has vain feelings for the man.

Masking his sweet grief he replied. "Everyone is so good to me Uncle. They take good care of me." Jungkook spoke so fondly. 

"That's a relief. We were worried about our baby." Uncle laughed.

"I am not a baby Uncle. Now I am an official adult." Jungkook told him with a pout. 

Uncle ruffled his hair and motioned him to keep drinking the chocolate drink he loves so much. 

"How are studies for you hyung? You know I met Taehyung hyung in Hawaii." Jungkook told Hoseok.

"Wow, what was he doing there?" Hoseok asked.

"He was there to meet his friend. Though I think it was not just a friend. If you know what I mean?" Jungkook told Hoseok who laughed into high pitch.

"I will leave you two to talk. Let's talk over dinner." Uncle said and got up calling his wife simultaneously.

Door bell suddenly rang again and Hoseok went to answer it. "Jungkook it is for you." He yelled from the door and came back inside.

"Who is it?" Jungkook asked Hoseok putting his mug on the table while Hoseok just shrugged.

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