68. Jimin's Birthday

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Jungkook was sound asleep in the flight and Jimin was on his laptop. Since Jungkook had decided to stay in Hawaii after wedding, Jimin wanted to start their new innings in a new house.

He had finalized one place and was paying for it right now to surprise Jungkook later. Their wedding was approaching soon and Jimin had less time and more work to be done. He did not want to stress Jungkook so he took care of most of the responsibilities. He would often work when Jungkook was asleep.

The younger was slowly waking up with announcement in the flight. Jimin put his laptop back and got ready to spend next week with Jungkook and no stress about anything else.

"Had a good sleep, Sweetie?" Jimin asked and Jungkook nodded. His face was puffy and more cute. Jimin loved softly biting on Jungkook's fluffy cheeks, specially in morning when the younger would wake up, all bunched up.

They took a cab and reached hotel. Jimin smiled when he looked at the see through bathroom in the room. They were tired but Jungkook wanted to eat dinner outside.

"Do you want to lay down a bit?" Jimin asked.

"If I lay down then I am not getting up until next morning." Jungkook snickered. They left the hotel room and went to a small diner to eat.

After dinner, Jungkook bought a cake from the bakery on the way back and took it to hotel for later.

Jungkook was still not back to his chirpy self when they decided to make love at the night. As the clock struck 12, Jungkook kissed Jimin. "Happy birthday, Jimin hyung." He wished the man and Jimin pecked Jungkook's nose with a smile.

"Thank you, Baby."

"Let's cut the cake now." Jungkook beamed. "I bet it tastes delicious. I want to eat." He slowly got off the bed to get the cake and Jimin got down to sit over the couch.

This was first time in years that he was celebrating his birthday like this. Earlier, all his birthdays were spent drinking and fucking people whom he would forget by the wake of dusk.

Jungkook extended Jimin a knife for cutting the cake as he sat over the table. Jimin pulled Jungkook's hand and made him sit over his own lap. He then cut the cake and fed Jungkook first who moaned by how good it tasted.

"You love it." Jimin claimed and smeared a little cream on Jungkook's nose. He gasped and counter attacked Jimin's face with cream all over it.

"Darling, you have to lick it clean." Jimin said and held Jungkook's hands in a tight grip. The younger giggled, trying to pry his wrist away but he really did not want to.

In few seconds, he leaned and licked the cream away from Jimin's left cheek. "This is even more delicious." He remarked.

"Is it now?" Jimin arched his brow and smeared the cream on his cheek again so Jungkook would kiss it over.

They kept playing until they got turned on and then the night was spent on the bed. They made love till 3 in the morning and slept only after Jungkook got tired.


It was 12 in the noon when Jimin woke up. "Jungkook." He called the boy as he spooned him and kissed his neck.

"I want to sleep Jimin." The boy replied in a sleepy voice.

"We did not come to Japan to sleep. Get up before I put you in water again." Jimin replied and Jungkook opened his eyes almost immediately. Over the weeks, Jimin has learned this new technique to wake up Jungkook.

"I hate you." Jungkook pouted as he sat on the bed, lost somewhere.

Jimin laughed and pulled Jungkook with him for shower. After being done with morning routine and getting ready, they left the hotel.

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