70. Wholesome (Bonus)

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It was two years apart. The couple has been happier. They had decided to adopt a baby girl who would take birth in next three months. The mother had a teenage pregnancy so she was up for adoption. To make sure the baby would be in good hands, mother approached through adopting agency and found out about Jimin and Jungkook.

Today was the day, the adopting agency along with the expecting mother were coming for visit to their place. Jimin and Jungkook have moved to their new house after the wedding. The house was perfect for a family to inhibit. In past months, Jimin was working by himself to decorate the room for the upcoming baby girl.

"Daddy, why don't you take a short break?" Jungkook barged into the pink nursery and whined. He wanted Jimin's attention since morning.

"Give me 15 minutes, Sweetie. I will be right out." Jimin concluded and Jungkook walked back to living room. As Jungkook sat on the couch, he could not help but imagine how life would be once the baby arrived. Thinking about his own baby brought the thought about Yoori, his nephew. Every time Jungkook played with Yoori, Jimin would have an adoring smile for both of the babies.

The couple spent their days and nights like they were still on honeymoon. There was never a dull moment in their lives. The house always emerged with their giggles. They would work from home together and go to office sometimes, make love at any time of the day and sometimes cook together. Jimin had chefs in place for the cooking and he would hardly let Jungkook do anything.

While few things remained same, some things changed. Jungkook was more muscular now. After a year of wedding, he started working out and now he had blonde hair, but no matter how big Jungkook became he still held innocence of a child in his eyes and actions. Jimin still was fit as always, he kept grey hair since the wedding as Jungkook loved his husband in grey hair.

Jungkook had Jimin's initials tatted on his ring finger. Jimin changed himself for Jungkook. He slowly accepted his parents who were also visiting today because of  adoption. Over the months, they had visited Jimin and Jungkook 4 times in two years.

It was the late night after everything went smooth with adopting agency and Jungkook and Jimin signed the adoption papers. Jimin's parents were back to the guest house. Ramon still worked for Jimin and he managed things really well at his end.

Jimin was sitting on the couch while Jungkook was laying on his lap while older rolled his blonde hair back. "Is it real? Are we really getting a baby girl?"  Jungkook spoke after being contently silent for some time.

"Hmm. What do you want to name her?" Jimin asked.

"I will leave it to you to decide."

"What do you say we go to celebrate? Your favorite ice cream parlor." Jimin suggested and Jungkook's eyes sparkled. He immediately sat up. Jungkook had discovered a small ice cream factory which produced a variety of fruit ice creams aside from conventional flavors. It had a small parlor right at front of the factory and the would ride there almost every month.

"Let's go." Jungkook stood up and got the keys to Jimin's Harley Davidson. "Here." He tossed the keys over to Jimin.

"You want to go on bike?" Jimin chuckled.

"Why not? It's dark and cool outside, no sun to burn us in heat. It will be fun ride." Jungkook beamed and Jimin stood up. He held Jungkook by his waist as they walked out in their sleep wear. The starry and cool night made Jungkook sigh in wonder. 

Jimin handed the helmet to Jungkook after he wore his own and started the engine. Jungkook sat behind Jimin and hugged him close. "Ready baby?" Jimin asked.

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