30. I Need You

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The news of Jungkook's uncle's death came crashing.

It was the next day when Jungkook and Jimin were back from mountains. Jungkook hugged Jimin to sleep that night and got fever due to exertion and the emotional trauma. Jimin took care of him and next day they came back to Hawaii. Jungkook slept all the way in the flight and Jimin was really worried about him.

When Jimin dropped Jungkook back home, he told him to get rest and he would check up on him later. Just as Jungkook entered the house, he got the call from Yoongi. He did not get chance to unpack even, and immediately took some essentials and left for home.

He was still not past the overwhelming experience of Jimin expressing his feelings and now his world has stopped. It was feeling far greater than hurt. He felt a dark void has made it's way into his life and he was not ready for it.

He could not think of anything except how Hoseok hyung and his aunt will cope with the loss? He could not eat anything all the way to Korea.

When he reached home, he realized that he had not informed office about the mis-happening so he dropped an e-mail to Jimin and Ms. Saina stating his uncle's demise.


Hoseok's POV

My father has been struggling with stress and he was already a patient of hypertension and Diabetes. I was still not working full time because I was final year student of Ph.D. I wanted to support my father by doing something since he was not well but he never allowed me to.

He always said that I needed to get good grades so that I get a reputed job and all his money and my hard work would pay off.

Jungkook offered to help at home when he got his first salary but we denied. How could we take his money when he is youngest? We were just so happy and proud of our little boy.

He had not slightest clue that things were tough. Appa's business was facing huge loss over the years and the time came when he finally could not cope.

Business was shut and he was more stressed than ever. I assured him that we can manage in part time work until I get the job but he has always been provider or responsible for family and it did not suit well with him and his heart.

Last night he had an argument over phone with the loan sharks and he instantly felt a pang to his chest. He wanted to scream but could not. It was angina. He only knocked on the door so that someone could hear it from ground floor.

When I heard the knock I ran and found him clutching his chest and in sweat. Before I could carry him he stopped me. "Take care of your mother and Jungkook. I am so proud of you my good son!" He said as his last words and his eyes closed forever.

I tried calling Jungkook but his number was out of reach. I did not know what to do? I had lost my father. I had lost my world. There was never a time in my life when he wasn't part of it. How will I live now knowing he will not be part of me and part of my life anymore?

Mother came and she cried her heart out. Hearing the commotion the neighbors arrived and they helped and took control of things.

After hours of crying I regained sense and started to arrange the funeral. Jungkook's sister and my cousin RiRi and his husband Yoongi were informed. They called Jungkook, who is on his way and we are now ready for last funeral rites.

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