67. Back to Work

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Jungkook was back to office after a very long time. After returning to Hawaii, Jimin had made the announcement of their engagement official via a press conference and everyone now knew that they will get married soon.

Jungkook was now a partner in Jimin's company for almost a month, rather than his employee. He was sitting in his cabin. Kyla was also back to office by now.

Although Jungkook's body was in office but all on his mind were memories of his birthday and engagement almost a month ago. The night was wavering above them and the family could not be happier after the couple announced the big news. 

After Jimin asked everyone to have dinner in their room, they all went together. The food was set and that's when the bell rang to their room. Jungkook looked at Jimin because they were not expecting anyone else as the entire family was there.

The person behind the door was Kai, Jimin's friend. He entered the room with another big bouquet of flowers. He wished Jungkook who kept blushing the entire dinner. Jimin grazing his leg up and down Jungkook's calf under the table definitely did not help.

They kept sharing the intimate gazes and Jungkook could not feel more fulfilled. He was now very soon going to be part of Jimin's family.  He somehow could not help but wonder about Jimin's parents. He thought they had right to know that Jimin was engaged, but he did not say anything during dinner. 

They cut the cake, popped champagne. Jungkook got drunk again with others. They called Kyla and Anna who were still on their honeymoon in Thailand at the time. They shared the news and Kyla cried about it. Anna would never stop making fun of her for that.

Hoseok shared his big news of getting a job in a renowned University as tenure professor. Finally, everything was turning fine. Jungkook wished his parents and uncle were alive to see them all progressing. After celebrating together, everyone left for their own rooms.

Jimin pulled Jungkook closed and they made out for quite sometime. They made love again, it was very gentle and Jungkook grew in love with this side of Jimin as well. Near mid night, Jimin gave Jungkook his gift. A key to a new house in Busan. 

"Why this Jimin?" Jungkook asked. 

"Next time you fight with me, come to your own home." Jimin replied lovingly and Jungkook kept looking at Jimin. "I want you to choose between living here in Korea or Hawaii after we get married." Jimin said with sincerity.

"But Jimin, our jobs are there." Jungkook retorted. 

"That won't be a problem, baby. I can work from anywhere and so will you. Whatever you decide, I will be happy to accommodate." Jimin said caressing Jungkook's hair as they sat close on bed. Jungkook nodded. He needed time to make a decision. 


They laid in bed and Jimin held Jungkook really close while his hand kept caressing younger's back. "If you don't want to get married right away, we can wait. I understand you are quite young, I even have no problem if we were to wait for another year. We can remained engaged till then." Jimin whispered and kissed Jungkook's head.

"I want to Jimin. As soon as possible. I want to be Park Jungkook as soon as possible." Jungkook smiled brightly.

"You would do that? Take my last name." Jimin smiled and Jungkook reached up to kiss Jimin's lips.

"I will proudly flex it." He replied. "...After all, Park name has richness associated with it. Why wouldn't I want to be a Park?" He jested and Jimin giggled. One of the reason Jimin admired Jungkook was how he never gave money any importance. Younger did not fall in love with Jimin's money but Jimin. 

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