18. Birthday

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Jungkook did not find Jimin in office the following week and another weekend arrived, luckily falling on his birthday.

He called his friends-cum-colleagues to the bar to celebrate.

One more month and his probation period will be over so he would go back home to visit his family who he missed, specially his uncle and cousin.

His grand father has passed after a year Jungkook moved in with them. It was only him, his cousin with uncle and aunty. His aunty never liked him living with them and her husband spending money on his education but she could not quite do anything about it.

Jungkook is not also much of a fan of her. They hardly talked the entire time he has stayed with them. She mistreated Jungkook when his cousin and uncle took take care of him like an own sibling or son.

"Another round for the lady?" Jungkook asked Zai who was sipping on apple juice. 

"How can people gulp this shit down their throats?" Tom asked frowning his face on apple juice. 

"It is better than the piss like liquid you are drinking." Zai snickered when everyone guffawed but Tom felt nauseated at the remark and ran out holding his mouth to puke his guts out.

"Tell us what do you need Jungkook? We all will get you something as a present." Zai asked Jungkook who just smiled.

"I don't need anything." He said smiling widely. "You chingus are enough." He added and laughed.

"Chi what?" Zai cocked her brow at Jihyun.

"Chingu, he meant friends." He explained to Zai who made an 'o' face.

Amidst the loud music the laughter mingled in it, they were having fun when Jungkook's eyes fell on someone and he could not be so sure of who he saw.

"Guys! Give me a moment. I will be right back." He said as he excused himself and went over to get a clear glimpse of a man talking to the bartender. 

"Hyung!" He called. 

"Jungkook! Oh dear! What are you doing here?" He asked. 

"I moved here for job hyung. What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked Taehyung. 

"I came to meet a friend." He replied grinning ear to ear and looking at the younger.

"How is Hoseok?" He asked.

"Hoseok hyung is well. This is last year of his Ph.D. I would have called him right now but he must be busy at work." Jungkook said excitedly.

"No worries. I will meet him soon. I will go to Busan and Seoul for work in few weeks. You tell me about yourself. You have grown taller since I last you." Taehyung said patting the younger's shoulder who giggled.

"I am an adult officially today." Jungkook said proudly.

"Is it your birthday?" Taehyung's eyes went wide and Jungkook nodded happily.

"Happy birthday Jungkookie! Are you with friends?" He asked.

"Thanks hyung. I am with my colleagues." He said and pointed towards the stupid bunch who were throwing nacho chips at each other like gorillas.

"Let me buy you all a round of drink then. Our Jungkookie is finally an adult." Taehyung pinched his cheek and Jungkook got flustered as he traced people's glances over him.

"What about your friend?" He asked and Taehyung made an 'o' face.

"Let me call him. You carry on I will join you." He motioned Jungkook to go back and sit while he stepped out to move away from the noises to make a call.

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